Indonesia Cheating?? [Further Analysis]

Day 538, 12:35 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by Alfonzo

As you know, lately Atlantis and Romanians have been accusing Indonesia using hacks which allow us to duplicate item. Is it true?


As those articles mentioned, Indonesia's stock suddenly increased by a large number.
Q3 food in Indonesia

03-May-2009 : 2007 units
05-May-2009 : 7070 units
In only 2 days, Indonesia gained 5000 units of Q3 which is impossible if we calculated by the productivity.

However, if we went into the problem further, we will find
Q3 food in Romania

03-May-2009 : 12257 units
05-May-2009 : 6747 units
Romania lose over 5000 units of Q3 on the exact same day !! Surely ,this is no coincidence.

Between 03-May to 05-May, Indonesia conquered 5 regions from Romania. Shanxi, Punjab, Sindh, Hubei, and QingHai. As the result, companies in those areas went to Indonesia together with all their stocks which is the reason of the sudden increase of Indonesia's supply.

Same with the other cases
Q1 food in Indonesia

03-May-2009 : 14219 units
05-May-2009 : 19099 units
4880 units of Q1 gained [5 regions from Romania + 1 region from Brazil + original production]

Q1 food in Romania

03-May-2009 : 27986 units
05-May-2009 : 24519 units
3467 units of Q1 gone

Of course I can't say for sure there is no exploit for duplicating item right now as admin haven't confirm it. (There are duplicate item exploit before, which the company has been banned long before the war between Romania and Indonesia. I don't know why they start bringing this company up again when accusing Indonesia of cheating in this war. The company, located in Punjab became Indonesia's property from Romania on 04-May, have 835 Q5 weapons and still included as Indonesia's supplies but of course we don't have access to these weapons as it is banned.)

However it doesn't mean someone can accuse Indonesia for cheating without a solid proof and just say "Oh wow, let's just make 5000 Q3 food units and about 600 Q5 weapons in a couple of days, we can do it, our Magic Printer is awesome".

So, please analyze the proof before you presented it because there are people who just read and didn't bother to check if the proof is solid or not and will just say, "Indonesia army use exploit Q5s, gifts, food, gold" , "Peace cheat as always" , "Ban all Indonesia" , "even Chuck Norris can't beat them!!" , etc.

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An interesting article which made into International news
This is a list of people who asking for their accounts to be deleted if in 2 weeks admins don't improve their performances.

They are asking the admin for :
1. No exploit is unpunished, this is retroactive.
2. No exploit is available to anyone
3. Clear exploit and bug reports are created.

You can join the list by replying to the article and writes: Signed, or semnat agrees to have his Account deleted automatically by admins if in 2 weeks they don't fulfill the above.

So prepare your weapons and gold for tanking in case these accounts are deleted for real for that will be our perfect chance to launch an attack. But I highly doubt those will be deleted so don't get your hope too high.

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Order for battle :
[INFO] WAR INSTRUCTION FOR DAY 538 (QINGHAI) which is frequently updated
Current president's official news :

Today's battle
Fight in QingHai on green side and use hospital to reach maximum wellness. Do not waste weapon.

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This is my first article , any comments and critics are welcome. Sorry for my grammar or vocabulary mistakes as I am not accustomed to writing in English.

Writing this article is tiresome so I will really appreciate if you guys vote and subscribe 🙂
Thank you ....