Indielfi for President

Day 1,292, 13:53 Published in Philippines Philippines by indielfi

I'm indielfi and I'm running for President of the united... er, I mean, eRepublik of the Philippines.


I was eBorn about a year ago, which basically translates to several thousand years in eRepublik time. For almost a year, I served faithfully as a soldier in the Armed Forces of the Philippines, where i spent most of my time in the Marines, globe-trotting, visiting new and exotic places, meeting new and exotic people, and killing them, and where I rose to the rank of a quartermaster during the PDS presidency.

I have always been an active member of the community and Congress during the several terms I served.


National Defense

Tanking program, baby. We’ll be giving GOLD awards to loyal and deserving men and women in uniform to allow them to purchase training boosters to increase their strength, and, consequently, the overall strength and effectivity of our armed forces. This game hinges around the military module so much, it’s a wonder we haven’t implemented something like this before.

Necessary changes will be implemented in the AFP focusing on how the government can help our soldiers serve our eCountry and our allies better.


We all know that the media scene is the lifeblood of daily eLife, and we need to pump more blood into that system. Similar to the tanking program for the military, we will be awarding cash prizes for writers of outstanding articles in the local media to stimulate it and encourage newspaper owners to publish more articles.

A best article of the month, and weekly best articles may be chosen, as well as most controversial and most popular pieces.

Foreign Affairs

We shall be streamlining the hierarchy of the Department of Foreign Affairs to ensure that it can focus on establishing and maintaining official relations with the ecountries that matter to us. As such, we will try to cover as many times zones as is human possible.


Put simply, population is the undisputed end-all and be-all of the Philippine condition. This issue has been around since time immemorial, and we shall be addressing it yet again.

RL Philippines has about 20 million active Internet users and millions more scattered around the Globe. RL Filipinos are ranked 1st in Facebook games usage. We have seriously got to find a way to tap into this phenomenon

Up to now, we’ve been pretty much clueless on how to make a baby boom work, but we’ll never get there if we don’t try. This month, we’ll try to brainstorm ways to try to at least marginally augment the active population of ePhilippines.


So, there. That’s it! But not quite. Expect to read more fantastic stuff on this paper... if I win. So, don't forget to exercise your right to vote tomorrow!

Have a great day, ePhilippines and Mabuhay!