Indian perspective on recent events

Day 1,019, 01:59 Published in India India by hsharma83

When Indian players logged in to their respective EREP accounts today morning, they were shocked and felt betrayed. We still don't know who betrayed us .... but we are betrayed. We are angry!! We want answers.... we want action.

Was it a hack?
Was it another crazy CP fed up of EREP and decided to act?
Was it a bribe to some person involved?
Was it really a deal between India and Serbia?

I am currently acting MoFA of eIndia. I can assure you, what ever it is ..... its not a deal between INDIA and Serbia. It might be (remotely possible, a deal between our CP and Serbia), IT IS NOT WHAT MAJORITY OF INDIAN SUPPORT. Because I was directly involved in negotiating about Swap with Serbia, I can be so sure that India doesn't support this swap.

Phoenix is using its propaganda to spread rumors about eIndia among its neighbors and allies. Let me ask few questions:

1) Theory: Swap require full trust and assurance between involved countries.

Facts: It is of general knowledge that Indians in general don't trust Serbia. Also after recent battles for Sindh, Serbia openly said that they don't trust eIndia anymore. India had MPPs with USA n Croatia and recently signed with Spain.I had a hard time with Serbia because they don't wish to deal with Indians anymore. If Serbia doesn't trust Indian Government, they won't risk triggering those MPPs against them. Still they went ahead ..... Only possible case is that they trust or control the guy who somehow had access to press that button?

Conclusion: Possible serbian Hack? or Hidden deal with our CP?

2) Theory: Is it a deal with our CP?

Facts: Well, he is in RL a college student and is busy with shifting therefore inactive. He doesn't have access to internet in his hostel. Ofcourse there is no cyber cafe or access point at 6 Am in morning (time of events as per Indian Time). How was it possible for him?
We have been trying to get in touch with him and couldn't. Did Serbia managed to get contact to him?

Conclusion: Highly unlikely deal with our CP

3) Theory: Is it India trying to show it like its a hack or our CP's fault? Is it a big game after all?

Facts: What does India gain by siding with Serbia just after signing MPPs with USA n Spain? We were offered High Oil regions and Pakistani regions? We refused because of our small population we got enough High Regions to excel. We gain nothing from Swap. May be close relations to Serbia? But are they worth betraying our neighbors and allies?

Conclusion: From Swap, India doesn't gain anything rather loose good friendships.

I would request that if you favor India's perspective vote this up and spread the message that "eINDIA WILL NEVER BETRAY ITS FRIENDS".

Indians promise that even if past can't be undone (may be admins will listen to our tickets and undo this, but even if they don't) ... we will stand and fight against those who betrayed us. We might be a small nation but we are united and strong at heart.

Calling all Indians to raise their voices and get ready to hold our pride High !!