Indian Freedom

Day 476, 00:31 Published in Croatia India by bill2k9

Today, India is no more. After a political take over, the Indonesians attacked our country and the president, who was Indonesian, immediately surrendered every region.

But that was the past, now we're going to look to the future. Because our country may not exist. We, the Indian people, certainly exist! And we will do whatever it takes to get our country back, India wil rise again. To do this, I'd like every citizen of eRepublik who would like to be part of India (again) to join The Indian Dream, so we know who would like to join. Next to that, I'd like everyone who's willing to fight for India to fill in this spreadsheet so that we can reach our future citizens quickly. If you don't have time, or another reason why you don't want to join The Indian Dream, then at least fill the spreadsheet in please.
Next to that, I have one more question for you, if you have any change or you just have too much money and like to get rid of something. Help India with it, donate it to this Charity group. Because the more money we got, the quicker we can rebuild our Incredible India!

Let us be proud of India again, help your country, help your fellow citizens. With your help, India will rise again!

Spreadsheet link:

India may be gone, but the Indian people will never be beaten

Thank you very much!

Bill2k9 (written by BroodroosterNL)