India's Cabinet [A not so Official, Official Article]

Day 752, 03:24 Published in India India by ArjaaAine

Cabinet: A place where you throw all the things you never want to use again


Cabinet: A group of fools who pretend to be the sharpest nut of them all.

Cabinet: A bunch of misfits who somehow get it right.

President: The no so leaderly leader, whose only fan is himself.

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So I present to you- "The not so sharp misfit nuts whom you never wanna use, but they still somehow get it right"

President: ArjaaAine
Secretary of State:Jelly9473
Vice-President:JackJack (Currently AWOL)
Minister of Expansion: Coolspidy8993

Minister of External Affairs:Ashwamedh
Assistant Minister of External Affairs:Jelly9473

Minister of Defense:BroodRoosterNL
National Police Force Hea😛Jay Kerlaite
Assistant Minister of Defense:Abhi347
IAF Chief Commander:Patton
Chief Army Officer:UgoRaffaele

Military Advisor and Chief War Planner:Davide Forde

Minister of Internal Affairs:Nikkk S
Citizen mentor Hea😛Akash Verma

Minister of Finance: Currently under President
Trade and Commerce Affairs Hea😛NavinCharles
Budget and Economic Committee Hea😛Hsr Sr

Prime-Minister:Position Closed
Central Bureau of Investigation:Position Closed

Besides this we have a lot of people working as: Battalion Leaders, Citizen Mentors, Expansion Volunteers, Budget Committee.
There are too many names to thank for this operation.
Hopefully despite the frequent hiccups we can all work as a well oiled machine.



1) Maintain High wellness
2) Fight without weapons unless ordered to do otherwise
3) Register in forums to register in Army. Contact Abhi347 for any information on registering for army.
5) I am always available for questions/queries please feel free
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