India, Indonesia and the Thai Highway - Updated

Day 454, 23:47 Published in USA Switzerland by BravoRomeoDelta

The certain conflict between India and Indonesia is a topic in the US and around the world, and it is a conflict that may yield an unexpected dividend for Atlantis, if pursued thoroughly.

As this edition goes to press, there are roughly 7 hours left in the battle for TamilNadu following which, Indonesian forces are almost certain to attack India's only high iron region Karnataka.

Indonesia was able to gain access to Tamil Nadu through a clever "rental" of Southern Thailand, ostensibly for training purposes, in exchange for a Q3 defensive system. According to (at least my reading) of the contract, Indonesia must return Southern Thailand to Thailand by the end of Day 455, or pay a penalty of 500 gold.

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The window of opportunity for rolling Indonesia back to Southern Thailand may be closed, but this scenario does suggest two worthwhile possibilities. Retreat from Tamil Nadu followed by a counterattack into Tamil Nadu. This, at the very least keeps the battlefield out of Karnataka. Should Indonesia be allowed to carry its assault into Karnataka and is successful, then India's alliances would be powerless to regain the lost territory, since no existing Indian-held territories border Karnataka. Another option that might be worth considering right now is starting a resistance war in Pakistani-held Indian territory, which would then permit India and her allies to counterattack and retake Karnataka, should the Indonesian invasion prove successful.

If India is able to retreat from Tamil Nadu before midnight of Day 454, launch a counterattack to retake Tamil Nadu, and were able to do so before midnight tomorrow, an attack on Indonesian-held Southern Thailand could be made before Day 455.

Such a possible scenario means that either Indonesia would find itself in breach of contract and owe Thailand 500 gold (because they certainly couldn't hand over the territory while India is invading it), or they would have to prematurely return Southern Thailand to Indonesia, nipping their Indian invasion in the bud.