Independent Alternative - The party for you!

Day 792, 15:33 Published in South Africa South Africa by Independent Alternative
New Image, Same principles!

Independent Alternative, the NO BULLSHIT approach to politics.

Yes ladies and gentleman, we are a party that is serious about people, and people is what we are all about! Some great legends of the game started this party because of pure frustration with all the BS in party politics and hidden agendas. They decided to create an Alternative party to all that, and felt that we should build our values on a NO BS approach.

We have had many great leaders sprout from our party! People such as the beloved Ines Schumacher! 2x Country President. Amun Nefer! Current Vice President. Lazar Fazer! current Minister of Finance. This is to name a few!

Not to mention we had 9 congress members last month! We are a party that is happening!

This is what we stand for:

The Independent Alternative believes that people are the most important entity in politics. And as a group of diverse people coming together for a common goal, we believe in a NO BS approach to politics. This means that we are open about our motives, do what we promise to do and operate without hidden agendas. It also means we respect each other's opinions and invite a variety of people to our party in order to nurture critical thinking and a supportive space where everyone can voice their views.

When it comes to economics, we believe that Enoch should run the RBSA forever. We endeavour to be supportive of an economic environment that will promote the prosperity of all eSouth Africans, whether they be workers or company owners. The military is the backbone of our economy and should be fed regular training wars. We believe the military should operate independently from government with the president as the Commander-In-Chief.

Young players are the life blood of the community and we believe in nurturing them to become critical and intelligent leaders and members of the society. Independent Alternative aims to maintain excellent relations with our neighbours and allies, but asserts South Africa's supreme right to own its original regions.

If this speaks to your heart, then this party is just for YOU!

Our forum has moved to the eSouth African forum. It can be found HERE:

Once you have registered, please then apply to our forum section. If you dont know how to do this, please feel free to contact me!

Party President of the Independent Alternative">