Independence for Independents? = First Issue of "de Oz"

Day 460, 05:17 Published in Australia United Kingdom by bobdebilde
- First Issue -

Welcome to de Oz, the newest addition to the vast amount of Newspapers in the new world. This paper will publish the views on the news from bobdebilde. It is with great excitement that launch of this paper is so close to the launch of both the Australian Communist Party (ACP) & Australian Independents Party (AIP).

Independence for Independents? Or a Takeover Target?
The AIP offers the chance for candidates of all persuasions of the political spectrum to enter the political scene without the weaknesses of being tied party line politics. This is a great step for the Australian political landscape as it allows the electorate a truly diverse array of options for Senate elections but what of the options for Prime Minister? Will we see an Independent put forward as a candidate?

This is an interesting question as due to the nature of the eRepublik political system The Party Pres (to my knowledge) controls the candidacy selections for the Presidency. Which provides yet another question. Does this leave the open to a "hostile" take over of the party from New World radicals? Like the list here of takeovers. Would this possible threat to eAustralia cause the Independents Party to evolve into a party with party lines and doctrine? The Fact that the AAA is seen to be inactive makes it another potential target for this kind of takeover. The Independence of the Independents is and will always be a fragile balancing act. The only thing that I can see from preventing a domestic party takeover is an mutual understanding in eAus that the party is ONLY for Independents.

Now these are just what ifs? But serious and not too unrealistic what ifs. I do not want to see the either the AIP or the AAA be subject to a domestic or foreign political takeover. The existence of an Independent party is valuable to the Political landscape but is it sustainable long term?


-End Note-
I hope you enjoyed this article. I look forward to seeing the thoughts that flow from this.