Increase Communication

Day 1,173, 16:49 Published in USA USA by Sleeve

Been a crazy POTUS election eh? Wonder how it'll turn out. I am however Very Glad that NE issue didn't go south. I know having one at all is important to stats, but not when we are trying to play nice with certain neighbors.

Alright. I'm not blind.


I see all the citizen requests. When looking for active native voters in Texas during the last congressional election I saw all the non-US actives in the state. The spam Congress folk are receiving from eager Citizen applications is pretty darn blatant too.

At work today, I saw enough Turkish flags and patches to bolster my resolve and take on this issue that everyone else seems to want to avoid. If you don't know what I do IRL, you should probably ask or read back some in my paper. Anyone who has gotten to know me in game, knows that I am as friendly, respectful, open minded, professional, and neutral in regards to arguments and problems as anyone can possibly be in game(while still caring). And as I'm slightly motivated about this presently I feel I could do as good a job possible to confront and deal with this issue formally and informally.

I am a sitting member of Congress that is asking anyone with concerns and problems on either side of the fence to write me about it. Or simply say Hi. We need more friendly communication in this.

Lets get along now kiddos. Both sides.
Glove's article for back reading.

They've already here. Good or Bad, its done. This is not something we can stop. May as well work with them. Sadly the language barrier is thick. INCI group has had an obvious effect and sway here in the eUS. Stating concerns and problems is perfectly fine. When doing so please try to refrain from 'or else' statements. Threats only inflame tension and problems of division and mistrust.

I did have the chance to visit their IRC room the other night and share some good old universal language of 'artistic photography' assisted by some fellow SEALs. Some High Quality H2O.

Baseball is awesome.
