Incoming Transmission

Day 1,047, 20:09 Published in USA USA by Civil Anarchy
Listen, and Enjoy

Greetings America,
We've been watching you for some time now.
You may not have seen us, but we were there.
In your house
In the workplace
During those "workouts" with Lana

We've seen and documented these situations in great detail.
We are the State.
We are the Department of Interior.

We see and hear everything.
We all wear black suits and designer sunglasses.
We are all the top caliber of Americans.
We've all dedicated our eLives to all of you.
For once in your life, we need you.

You're now aware of our existence, only due to our permission.
If your Ignorance is your solace, then exit this article and our existence will fade into the background of your life once more.

If you are weak, exit this transmission.
If you are lazy, exit this transmission.
We have no need of you.
Live in your mediocrity

If you are a Hero,
If you are an American,
If you are an Exemplar,
Join the Machine or contact our Glorious Overseer.
And preserve the greatness that is America.

Have a nice day,
Civil Anarchy, Deputy Secretary of the Department of "Interior"