In the aftermath of an Epic Victory reports of War Crimes emerge.

Day 2,758, 04:28 Published in Netherlands Poland by GEN. DE LA REY

Here at De Volks Blad we bring you exclusive information from Northern Netherlands where our war correspondent Jan Poggenpoel has been able to evade German authorities for days now.

Today we are happy to report an epic victory has been won by the Dutch people and it’s allies. Never in my lifetime has such a marathon comeback victory been won against the odds, a victory that will live on in the hearts and minds of the Dutch people for the rest of their lives and will be reflected in History books for generations to come.

We have asked some of our strategic allies for their thoughts of the victory, they appear to be happy but would not say much at this stage.

There are many heroes and stories to be told, however the highlight must be on arrival of the Australian and Norwegian Nebula special forces.

This image we captured of the German Minister of Defense Dr. Schultz’s face.

According to eyewitness report the German supreme leader KTTRS was the first to flee home, in the wake of an early evening onslaught by Weekstrom and Epix.

But in the euphoria of this victory against a powerful greedy aggressor, the dust has not yet settled and stories and reports of war crimes and special camps where our people have been forcibly moved to, have come to light in the previously occupied region.

In these camps people were forced to wear silly clothes and do strange dances all day long.

Forced to blow large horns

Apparently part of their Reinheitsgebot (purity) system Dutch nationals were bathed in beer.

The drinking of water was forbidden and water taps were replaced with German beer taps.

We have sent a sample of the food camp captives were forced to eat to our national lab for analysis.

For now it is a moment to celebrate, but spare a thought for the German people and our allies inside Germany which today still has to live under the backstabbing KTTRS regime.

We have already heard rumors of his next expansion plan for Germany. We fear this may cost the German people even more than his previous campaign.