In The Aftermath

Day 828, 16:01 Published in Ireland Ireland by Bradums
[The Battle for Belfast]

So, it's over. We all had fun and I feel that, despite the fact that we eventually lost Northern Ireland, we succeeded as a nation. No less than a week ago, the nation's newspapers were full of hate and rivalry. Since the battles begun, it's been nothing but cooperation and unity. Not only did we fight together, but we outmatched the eUK in terms of damage done. This underestimated little island of ours showed once again that if someone wants to pick a fight with our little nation and small population, they'll certainly get a fight. We may not be a giant, but we've proven that we hit like one.

On a last note, guys...seriously, don't play into the eUK articles trying to piss us off. It makes us look like sore losers. Just say, "Great job, everyone. Congratulations to both sides", because they're just dying to see us get all rattled and angry about their victory. The best course is to be gentlemen/ladies about it and just nod our head and smile. Praise is even better.

[Words of Thanks]

I have to give out my personal thanks to Seal Team 6, as well as the Americans who got off their asses and came to fight the Brits once again. I was in personal contact with a few members of ST6 briefly during the battles, and they deserve our gratitude. Not only were they fighting as if they were eIrish themselves, they were generous enough to set up systems of gifting to keep our men and women in the fight.

That isn't to say we shouldn't appreciate the other nations and organizations who came to our aid.

It seems like Canada wanted to get back into the fight with the eUK, as well. Their numbers were astonishing, and I give my respect to those crimson-bearing badasses for it.

India, as I said in Donut's article: friends in war are friends honored. A few members of the hierarchy over there came and put about 10k damage to the Redcoats. Much appreciated, gents.

To all my former Theocratic brothers and sisters, we appreciate the help.

Grainne, seeing you on the battlefield makes me love you all the more. You know our enemies have something to worry about when the Irish Battlegoddess takes to the field 😛

In summary, thanks to everyone who came out to fight for Ireland. Friends aren't forgotten.

[Learning Experience]

Now that the battle's over, however, it's time to learn from it. The biggest thing on everyones' minds is: organization. Nogin and a few others were quick to point out that we have weapons companies set up by the government, yet none were distributed out to our fighters. While this might seem huge to some and insignificant to others, this really is important. We haven't heard the rationale on the decision (or indecision) not to distribute weapons yet, but I'll say from experience that weapon distribution is one of the most vital parts of war.

As a Theocrat, I saw it firsthand. The weapons companies were developed to sell off the excess and distribute weapons when needed. In times of battle, they had a system designed so that anyone who was willing to fight in battles sanctioned/ordered by the Dios could fill out a request form and would promptly receive weapons relevant to their strength and base damage to maximize effectiveness per soldier/weapon and better utilize stock.

This is something our government needs to focus on in the future. Organization is key in battle, and our biggest flaw was our lack thereof. We have amazing potential, but we have yet to focus that into something more. I only pray that our aspiring politicians and active citizens learn from this war and proceed to build upon what we have.

[Epic Fail]

And on that note, I'll jab at myself for coming up short in the Congressional Elections. I had 3 votes, but was deemed "Not qualified".

I attribute this loss to my choice to run in a highly-populated region, in a smaller party, against bigger names than my own. Am I disappointed? A little. Am I sad or angry? Not at all. Instead, I'm extremely grateful to those who voted for me and appreciate getting any votes at all, considering how relatively quiet and scandal-free I am 😉

Look forward to my run next month, because I'll be here to plague you jerks as long as there's an eIreland.

With love,