In the afterglow of yet another Congressional election.

Day 919, 08:11 Published in USA USA by Sleeve

No I'm not gone yet. I have a weekend left. I felt like passing on some things I've learned in my time.

For those who can't quite seem to do it on their own.
Learning how to win an election.

Step one: Getting on the ballot
You have to be in one of the top five political parties. You have to be picked by your Parties President to appear on the ballot. To do this you need to be semi active within your party and not be a jerk. Show your self as ACTIVE, competent and as a nice guy and there should be no problem. This goes for most other in game behavior, Just as many people get elected because people did not like their opponent then as often as getting elected on their own merits. Subsequent to that, you should prefer to be nice to the other four Party Presidents. Commonsense here, these are busy people don't annoy but mind your manners and learn how to ask nicely. Avoiding a good opponent is important.

Step two: Funding
We have 50+ Congress slots. This means you have a chance. It also means it is common courtesy to provide any confirmed voters a pair of moving tickets so that they can follow through. Since the new hospital rules, it also means providing 4 wellness via gifts or a close approximation of higher Q food. Providing these courtesies means you are more likely to receive the favor you're asking for in the first place.

Step three: Effort
Platforms are good, but are not the end all be all that proper social networking and contacts can be. Mostly in the effort section Don't be a jerk. If you have to be, make sure you can be the type some people like enough to over look it at other areas. You need to use your time and effort in the right places, and at the right times. Mass Messaging is in the right direction but you need the right demographic at the proper time frame. You want a good five to three day head start at writing people asking for their votes. Too early and people forget, too late and they've either already voted or pledged to vote for someone else.

Keep an eye on your demographic:
Sending out MMs is an proven tactic but is often overdone. But if you pay attention to who you send them to, and their activity levels; you can maximize successful volunteers and minimize the annoyance of others. (read above under Don't be a jerk) Make them short and to the point. Know your audience. Now who should be your audience? This is the special sauce. You want to find players in a certain age range. Write a level 18+: they couldn't care. Write a level 5-15 and they are honestly excited to receive mail. Correlate this with making sure they are active enough to probably show up on election day, meaning seeing if they've been online recently at all and check to see their working history at their company. Raising a crop of newbies is a boon for your political career. But win or lose on your end, make sure to edify them with the information and skills they need to become seasoned players. New enough citizens you should include welcoming and suggestions to the basics of the non-intuitive game play we all have had to learn.

Do not expect your political party to win an election for you. Bringing your own voters is paramount to a successful chance in your bid. Being a helpful leader and taking the initiative in teaching new players can do more for you then you first think. Becoming a leader requires that you just that. Getting into Congress does not mean you will do good. Being a positive influence becomes the means for that end, not the reverse.

Hope you liked it. Didn't mean to spoil the race for peeps out there, just stir crazy waiting to leave.