In search of a weapons company / Congressional elections

Day 550, 21:48 Published in Canada Peru by Sexin

So I think I've decided on starting/purchasing a weapons company. There will always be wars to be fought and in turn, weapons to be bought. I'd prefer taking one that is already created as to not saturate the market however the one catch is, I want a Canadian company AND I'm hoping to pay 15 gold or less (negotiable). If you have a weapons company that is defunct and/or you don't want anymore, pm me with your asking price and we can go from there.

I'd also consider taking on investors if they're interested. I'll have about 40 gold to sink into this thing but more would always be better. I'm committed to substantial losses to start it up properly but I'm also committed to making it a successful company on paper.

There's a congressional election on Monday and I've thrown my hat into the ring. I'd appreciate your support. I've shown you boobies and pretty girls in the last week or so and I think that alone deserves your vote. Ontarians deserve some new blood and I am part of the youth movement. Take a chance on me!

So tomorrow is the Ottawa International Marathon and I just have to wonder why people would subject themselves to 3+ hours of torture. (That's what my last girlfriend said) Anyways, some runners have told me that they get this euphoric high once they're done. You know what? I get that euphoric high after running 50 feet and stopping. Why would I have to run 26 miles to get that same feeling? I run to the bus stop and I get that same feeling. Anyways, I'm going to be there tomorrow morning to cheer on my idiotic friends who are running the thing. I'll be cheering mostly because I won't be the one running. Then again Yasmine Bleeth used to be hot:

What does she have to do with distance running? Nothing really.