In Impeachment we trust.

Day 915, 04:09 Published in Czech Republic Israel by Aldameldo

Both as an e-Czech and a Congressman I am sick watching our country being a puppet in our enemies' hands. As lots of other Congressmen said, we should impeach our "President", Vit. I think that is an ineVITable move if we want the Czech Republic to be free at last.

In the last days we saw Vit's ingenious plan to make C.R. a slovakian protectorate. In the following screenshot you can see how proudly Vit showed us his plan to give the "useless" regions of Northern Bohemia and Moravia to his slovakian superiors.

I think the best solution we have is to IMPEACH the President. If we do that, we'll have banned Michal as President. Nevertheless, it's better to have an inactive head that a rotten one. That's actually what Frank Zafka has already said in a previous article of his.

I won't speak about Phoenix and EDEN now. It's upon us now, e-Czechs and honourable Congressmen, to change history. So onwards to YES in the imminent IMPEACHMENT!!!!

Congressman of e-Czech Republic