In Defense of eIreland

Day 647, 06:44 Published in Ireland Ireland by Edana Savage

I've been focused on Defense Systems of late. Here is what I know. That they are needed in case of war and that the reason we don't have more, is because eIreland has always been neutral and so we have never made this a focus.

I also know that there are different qualities. What I don't know is how this translates into a battle situation. Someone commented on another article that Q1's are useless. Is that true and how so?

Hospitals are also important. Cork and Kerry have a Q4 hospital, which is good, not great, but still better than some regions. How do you improve a Q4 to a Q5?

This does concern me. What's to stop what is happening in eUSA from happening to our beloved eIreland? How long can we remain neutral?

I am a noob, and I am still learning how battle works. I'm just now expanding my knowledge to how eIreland fits into the world picture. I should go to University and learn a thing or two from Grainne. I think I will do so once I figure out how University works. lol

As always, I appreciate your input.

Until next time.
