Improve the eUK: Military

Day 1,694, 06:06 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by djsims

Hello everybody!

If you haven't already read my first article, Improve the eUK!, feel free to do so. This article may be a bit lengthy, so bare with me.

In this article, we will discuss how we can improve the eUK military on three levels.

1. Individual Level

We need to improve the strength and wellness of our individual fighters.
Our MUs and government need to be supplying our players, young and old, with food and Q6 weapons. They are actually doing an excellent job doing this. I applaud you!

Supplying our players, young and old, is an investment that has an amazing payout. When you supply our older players, you are putting the UK in a better position to win because our older players are in higher divisions. When you supply our younger players, you are allowing them to develop without expending their resources. Instead of a young player selling his gold on the market to buy weapons, our government and MUs can supply him so he can spend his gold more wisely. This topic will be further discussed later on in the article.

I've studied a couple of battles in the time that I've been here and I noticed something, Division 1 of the eUK outperforms the other divisions.

Here is a picture:

This picture was taken around 4:07 server time. As you can see, Division 1 is the only Div winning.

What does this mean?

We have a nation of young players. This is not a bad thing! As I said before, we need to develop these young players.

All of our divisions need to be improved. All of our divisions will be winning every battles 1800 to 0. In order to accomplish this, we need better coordination from our MUs and our government.

2. Military Units

They key to a successful nation is organized and efficient MUs. 99% of players participate in their MU's activities, far less than that participate in their party's activities.

Every Military unit should have a few things.

1. A Forum

A forum is vital for ANY organization in eRep. As I was writing this, I just got a great idea.

Somebody should make a forum (I will do it if I have to) for all of the military units to use. On this one forum (titled UK Military or something) all UK players will sign up for it. They will have the rights to view their MU's section and the general section. Commanders, Co-Commanders, and Captains will have access to the leadership section. In this section, they will be able to play, coordinate, and execute plans.

Let me know what you think of this idea.

2. Ranks

eUK should be the first country to every implement a universal ranking system in their country. This will require the coordination of a lot of people, but it will be worth it. I suggest we follow a ranking system similar to this:

All new players start off as a Lance Corporal, and then they work their way up. In order to rank up, the player will apply for a promotion to his superior Officers. In order to apply for a promotion, he must meet certain requirements such as seniority (X amount of time in the military) or a certain amount of strength. Not all players need to start off at Lance Corporal. Lets say we receive and immigrant from another country and he has an outstanding record. He can be commissioned to a suitable position.

The best part about this ranking system is it will be universal. A Colonel in one MU is equivalent to a Colonel in a different MU. Also, if a player switches MUs, then his rank will follow him, since it is universal.

3. Uniforms

Uniforms are a great idea because they promote unity and pride. This is an example of a uniform from the USA:

As you can see, it has his MU, Company, Rank, and Avatar. This player will upload his uniform to everything eRepublik related.

4. Meritocracy

EVERY MU should be run as a meritocracy. A player who got 75 kills the previous day deserves more supplies than they player who got 12 kills. Simple as that.

Within a nation, there should be three types of MUs.

1. Government Run

Every nation should have a MU run by the government. This MU will be run by the President and His/Her administration. This MU would be suitable for new players because they will be able to learn how to play the game better than if they were in a private MU. The Government MU will also be able to supply their members better because they have a source of funding.

2. Privately Owned

Every nation has privately owned MUs. They are financed by the owners (or investors). This is not an ideal MU for new players because it traditionally requires commune jobs and funding is normally tight.

3. Special Operations

Every nation NEEDS an elite MU. I personally want to create and Elite unit, but it will be unlike anything ever seen by eRep.

This will be the only Special Operations unit that accepts players with 5,000 strength and 500 strength. Just about every (or every) Elite MU across the globe only accepts players with ridiculous stats. A perfect example is the USA's Seal Team Six.

Team Six is unbelievably selective. You are probably thinking what is wrong with that? I'm about to tell you why that is a terrible idea.

The purpose of an elite unit is to win wars. Lets draw up a hypothetical scenario:

It is the final battle of a campaign between the USA and Mexico. Divisions 2, 3, and 4 have finished fighting on both sides. USA has 82 points and Mexico has 82 points. Both nations are one point from winning the campaign. When it comes down to tight situations like these, you call in your special forces to win the war. Guess what? Nobody in Team Six is in Division 1! Mission Failed!

Yes, that is an extremely far fetched scenario. The point is, you don't need to be a God of War or a Legendary Force to be elite.

3. National Level

Improvement at the national level will come over time with the improvement of the MUs. When and if we implement the ranking system and the forum will vastly improve our nation coordination.

Also, don't go around starting resistance wars unless you have the approval of the government. It will be nothing but a waste because players will be wasting their weapons and energy on a war that we cannot win. Instead, lets focus on wars that we can win.

Well, that's all I got for now. If you read this far, I applaud you!

Please comment/message me any comments, questions, criticism, etc. I would like to make another article in a day or to just responding to you guys.

Also, I'm looking for funding to start up the Special Forces program. I will write up another article soon focusing just on that.

Quote of the Day: Give a man gun and he will rob a bank. Give a man a bank and he will rob the world.

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