Impressed by the eUSA

Day 637, 17:36 Published in USA USA by Zagadee

I joined erepublik and have spent most of my time in the eUK. I worked hard, trained and fought in as many wars as I could and did my bit to make the eUK a power.

But I was never happy there. The politics was disjointed, full of several parties all looking similar, the government(s) constantly changing every policy on a regular basis and many people criticising the government for this and many other reasons.

Then Atlantis fell, and the eUK leadership cosied up to Peace. I could've coped with this, but the government pretended the eUK and Peace were just 'friends' engaged in 'training'. What happened was the eUK gained some land while opening up their former allies to attack, a move many eUKers opposed. Many wanred the government Peace couldn't be trusted to stand by the eUK and they were right. Once Peace had what they wanted, they left the eUK to fight the Canadian resistance wars alone. The eUK had not only been persuaded to betray its former allies but had then been showen to be fools. IN the next few months I expect the country to look very alone on the international scene.
But what mostly put me off the eUK was not the betrayals, the deceits, the shifting policies or the fact we were made fools of, it was the disunity. Lots of different groups all criticising the government, then getting into power and being criticised themselves, the eUk government making decisions and not explaining why.

I got bored of it and felt sorry for eCanada and eUSA and their gangbang style invasions, so I moved to the latter.

And was very impressed.

1. Despite losing the Peace invasion, the eUSA continued to support their allies in Spain and elsewhere. Even now with Russia attacking another territory the eUSA government has ordered its citizens to defend Spain first.

2. The government explains its actions to its people. If they make a controversial or puzzling decision, they explain why it was made and take everyone through the advantages of it.

3. The people do much less bitching than in the eUK. I;m not saying there isnt criticsm, far from it, but people trust the government more because of the points above.

4. The people in charge (mostly) seem to be more concerned with the fate of the eUSA than with their own political career or that of their party.

5. The people are optimistic. Instead of worrying and doomsaying about their recent losses, they continue to fight and plan for the future of their country.

I originally came here in part protest to the eUK and in part to fight on the side I viewed as 'right', despite the odds being against them, However, I think I'm going to stay. I like the eUSA, i like its attitude, the courage of its army, the openness of its government and its loyalty and honour towards its Allies. Hail to the Chief!