Imports are OBVIOUSLY Killing Our Economy

Day 823, 19:46 Published in USA USA by Woxan

No, not really, but I can point fingers too!

So why are wages really in the trash?

A few months ago, the admins introduced Lana; the ability to buy strength. Suddenly, you have an ability to get ahead of everybody else's' strength and get stronger quickly. Everybody burned into their gold reserves, and no immediate economic consequence was seen. Lana's effect on the market would be subtle at first, but it made its mark. Everyday thousands of gold is spent on Lana. Suddenly you have thousands of MORE gold leaving the system, and less coming in. People begin to hoard gold for Lana, or for a rainy day. Regardless, gold technically got more valuable.

What we are witnessing now are the consequences of such a drain 3 months later. Less gold flows in economies, and more people hoard their own. This results in less consumption of gold on goods, such as weapons. When demand drops, prices go down for business owners to make a profit. This drives down wages until a new equilibrium is met with the demands of the market. What is that new equilibrium? I don't know, but I feel that it will have other consequences.

The USD is weakening due to several factors. A shrinking population is one, taking out consumers who would normally buy stuff and bring in gold through medals. Another is constant attacks to devalue by some people (one in particular, who can't separate rl economics from eRep economics).

I think there is another factor to consider: the one I raised above. As the prices of goods fall due to the market shift, lower skill jobs (skill 0 and 1, with skill 2 right behind), become unprofitable for business owners to operate. The government and private sector can't supply all of these jobs, and something needs to budge. The peg is one such way. When the peg (currently 1 USD = 0.027 GOLD) loses value, it causes inflation (goods cost more). This makes goods have a higher cost and allows business owners to operate.

On the subject of imports, I don't think they're killing us. Why? A few factors.

1. The United States has every active citizen at employment. Otherwise I, and the 50 other Congress members, would get nonstop notifications that there are no Skill X jobs on the market. We have too many jobs than citizens, which means we have a surplus of companies. We cannot "raise employment," because we are already at 100%.

2. Our manufactured goods aren't the cheapest in the world. Q1 guns for instance, are pricing 0.01-0.02 gold per weapon above the world average. So no, imports are not driving are prices down into the impossible profit range, the economy is just shifting.

3. A 1% tariff is still a tariff, which gives American business owners an advantage.

Overall, the forces of the market are forcing a new equilibrium and we'll just have to wait and see.