IMPORTANT: What eCanada really needs is...

Day 537, 18:18 Published in Canada Canada by Ideology


And I'm not talking about no sissy training war where one country pays another to attack it for 23 hours only to retreat in the end. I am talking about a real, full blown conquest. Offensive, not defensive. GW Bush style, not Obama style (as much as I'm a fan of Obama, we need to remember this is eRepublik and not real life).

Am I insane? Am I suicidal? Nah...well, maybe sometimes. But right now, the only thing I am is: BORED WITH eCANADA. Nothing happens up here (watch as a tumbleweed blows by). Some of you may remember a couple of months ago when the Huns attempted a Take-over of the eCanadian Congress. For those that were around...I want you to think long and hard about it. Now let me ask how you felt during that time?

I'll go first. In the beginning it was terrifying; the possibility of eCanada being ravaged by dirty filthy apes was scary. But afterwards, as I saw eCanadians come together from all across this country, from BC to Nova Scotia, I actually felt excited. Strategy, teamwork and leadership were used as we fought off those Huns. In retrospect, over the past 4 months I've played this game, that was probably the time I had the MOST FUN. And ladies and gentlemen, at the end of the day, that's all eRepublik really is: a game. Nothing but thousands of lines of code. This is not real life. We do not actually bleed, or die.

So then, let me ask you this: is the point of eRepublik not to have fun and enjoy the game with your friends/countrymen/etc...? If the answer is yes, then you need to ask yourself whether or not you are having fun. With eCanada as boring as it is, the likely answer is NO.

"But Ideology, what are the benefits of conquest wars?"
Let me give you just a few reasons:
1. Economic growth; after 4 months of playing, I have come to the conclusion that business is driven by war. That is how the game is designed and no matter what you or I say, nothing will change that.
2. Expansion of eCanada; who else wouldn't like to see the beautiful maple leaf plastered over land in South America, in Europe, in Asia, in Africa? Point made.
3. More citizens coming to eCanada; one of the reasons eCanada is not growing is because people are leaving to go fight elsewhere (I'm one of them). War attracts people as it is a fundamental part of this game.
4. Stronger military; instead of our CAF being employed in soup kitchens, they'll actually get to fight.
5. IT WILL BE FREAKING AWESOME! Win or lose, all of us will have a great time, I'm sure of that.

If you missed all of that, here is my summary.
We need to expand eCanadian soil. We need economic growth. We need new citizens coming to this great country. We need to actually enjoy playing this game.

We need war.

This was a very brief rundown as I am pretty lazy. But for another great article on a similar topic, check this one out:

and this one: