Important: Regarding the Ministry of Information

Day 927, 20:41 Published in Canada USA by Joseph Schmo
I apologize in advance to any government officials who feel as if I am overstepping my bounds in writing this article, however I feel it is important to reach a certain part of the population that may not be aware of the current situation. If any member of the Canadian government disapproves of me doing this, I will take down this article upon request. Thank you.

Canadian Citizens,

The eCanadian government has temporarily lost control of the Ministry of Information newspaper. While it is against eRepublik rules to make public accusations without proof, the government is fairly certain who is responsible ( Regardless, the MoInfo newspaper should not be taken as the official word of the Canadian government until further notice. I encourage all Canadians to remain subscribed to it, however no Canadian should take it as official government word until further notice (it should become fairly obvious when the government again has control).

The same group that has taken control of the MoInfo has also taken control of various other Canadian orgs, including Canadian Health Services and the Ministry of Education org. While these do not have prominent newspapers, any shouts, comments, etc. Canadians see from them should not be taken as official comments from the eCanadian government.

Below is a short (and surely incomplete) list of trusted Canadian newspapers that have not been compromised and should be looked to for updates:

Canadian Defense Updates - Ministry of Defence

Loaded Propaganda - Deputy Prime Minister SaraDroz

The eCanada Star - MoFA KyleDr

The General - General Coda

The Norris Times - Chucky Norris (need I say more? 😛)

The Canadian Conduit - Minister of Communications Dade Pendwyn

The Northern Telegraph - Editor of eCBC Radio Acacia Mason

Please feel free to let me know of any I forgot (I know there are quite a few, but it is late, and I can't quite think straight 😛 Please do not be insulted if I forgot you.

Also, once again, if any government officials do not approve of this article, please PM me or comment below and I will take it down ASAP. I am simply trying to get the word out to as many Canadians who may be confused by the recent articles from the MoInfo as possible.

Joseph Schmo
Just Trying to Help

EDIT: James Wiens has confirmed that Canadian Health Services has been secured by the Canadian government.