Important Notice to all USA Citizens in Karnataka

Day 975, 08:26 Published in USA Brazil by Rod Damon

Strategic Air Command will give you absolutely FREE moving tickets to allow you to move out of Karnataka.

That's Right. Absolutely FREE.

Get out of Karnataka BEFORE the region is returned to India. We will give you tickets to get you out of Karnataka and back into the USA. Don't get stuck and left behind.

The only obligation we ask of you is that you will temporarily move to another country. While in that country you apply for citizenship in that country. Once citizenship is granted, you are free to continue your trip back to the USA.

We just ask that you maintain your new citizenship for a while AFTER returning to the USA. This will allow you to help us and our allies fight off the on going threat of Political Take Over (PTO) that the forces of Phoenix are mobilizing around the world.

We need your help. Our allies need your Vote.

Don't waste your vote for a congressional race that does not matter. Help make sure that Phoenix does not sneak in and take over the Congress of our allies.

We need you.

They need you.

They want you.

contact us and sign up to help.

PS. If you live in California or Florida.............

Most of your votes are WASTED too.

sign up

Be a proud American.