Important Election News: Build Our Legacy

Day 1,191, 12:51 Published in USA USA by The Libertarian Bulletin

Ok Libertarians, this is an important message that I strongly urge you to read and do as follows.

Elections are about voters. Votes decide who wins and who loses, and you should know this. Our candidates are spread throughout the nation and we need YOUR votes to get them elected.

Please FILL OUT THIS FORM BY TOMORROW AT LATEST. If you have already done so, you are building the legacy.

If you do not do so, expect to see Libertarians, especially good and quality candidates, swept quickly off the board. We need you, you are our party, our base, and our constituency. Libertarians are a legacy, help us build it.

Below I am going to list some of the campaigns of our candidates, so you know who we are trying to get into this congress.

Joe Newton in Alabama

PrincessVictoria in Colorado

CRoy in Florida

Jelly9473 in Iowa

Harflimon in Maryland

Jamarcus in New Hampshire

Jerseygirldani in New Jersey

Zonmei in New York

Athanaric in Ohio

Bristel Akina in Vermont

deershark in Wyoming

These guys need your votes. Support them with it. Fill out the form.

Build Our Legacy.