Important announcement to the True Citizens of eSouth Africa

Day 1,031, 04:42 Published in South Africa South Africa by eSouth African Presidency

Hi Citizens of eSA,

If you have not heard by now, you will see that eSA’s top parties have all been PTO’d by the Hungarian PTO’ers. It seems that the PTO'ers have managed to take over control of the Freedom Alliance and New Africa Party, and possibly also the Naturalist Party South Africa.

Alphatrion, who has been a member of the Resistance Congress for the last two terms, is now PP of the NPSA but seems to be working with the PTO'ers. A number of current NPSA members are PTO'ers.

AlterEgon is now PP of the Freedom Alliance and Zaeban Covek is PP of the New Africa Party.

We were unable to regain control of Independent Alternative and Gregory Gallangher is now PP.

The time for eSouth Africa to UNITE is NOW! I cannot reiterate this anymore. If eSouth Africa is to live to fight another day we have to stick together. It’s is vitally important we secure the upcoming congress elections. Call this our Last Stand! If we do not UNITE NOW, I am afraid we will be lost by next elections. The influx of Hungarian multis and newborns are out numbering us. If we going to be splitting votes between parties we have no chance and I mean no chance of fighting off the PTO’ers. We need to do something DRASTIC and need to do it NOW!

As president I need to do what I think is best to protect our country and the true citizens of eSA. Therefore I ask that every true citizen Join the UDA (United Democratic Alliance). I have spoken to current UDA party President Al Kazar. We will now make the UDA the official resistance party of eSA. We will unite under one banner and FIGHT for what is rightfully ours.

I hope that as chosen president of the people, I will get your support in making this decision. I believe this is the best shot we have got. I don’t see us having any better timing on this.

As always please feel free to comment. I have no problem addressing everyone’s concerns.

