Implications of the Recent Food Structures Giveaway

Day 1,283, 18:49 Published in Japan Japan by Xygatrix

First off, let me preface this by saying I think that the whole thing was a bad idea. If you disagree feel free to explain why in the comments.

Anyway, as I'm sure you all know by now eRepublik admins have introduced a rather upsetting change to our virtual economy: all (as far as I know) players have been given three free fields and a free Q1 food factory. What does this mean for us? Well, in general, the price of food will likely plummet as players begin to use their new buildings to produce amounts of Q1 food and raw material ridiculously disproportionate to market needs, therefore forcing everyone to lower the price of all food and raw grain to stay competitive, and seriously injuring the wallets of those who invested into higher quality food. Even if the food produced is not sold, players will consume it without the need to buy as much, if any food from the market, lowering demand and once again, prices.

Now while this may be helpful for consumers who are a bit low on cash, in the long run I predict it's going to be very damaging and perhaps even crippling to the worldwide food market, and the best action that the eR admins could possibly take right now would be to reverse the changes.

EDIT: An aspect I did not consider in the first revision of this article is the fact that the health cap was raised to 500. More experienced players are without doubt going to take advantage of this, driving up demand a small amount and helping to offset the flooded market. However, this is not a big enough change to justify giving everyone four new buildings as most players do not restore that much health every day.