Imperio magazine - introduction

Day 853, 12:09 Published in Serbia Chile by EduRaptor

Hi dear readers!
You are reading the second issue of Imperio Magazine. In this articles, you will be able to read aside from details of our unit's statistics, progress and actions, many interesting things like war analysis, erepublik trivia, tutorials for new players and competitions with interesting prizes. Imperio magazine is written by our members with goal to give eChile more information, to educate newbies, and to give everyone a more interesting time in the game. At least 1 article of Imperio Magazine will be issued each week. By this magazine, we will try to invest more in chile, than pure damage in battles. To invest in community, and true values of this game. Hope you will enjoy it!

- Our unit again got in a brief pause of its activities. Since the ban of our most famous member, and eChilean national hero, dragon_azul_05, IMPERIO has honestly gone through a rough period.. Without our unit companies, unit had problems with providing full supllies as we got used to. This problem was bridged somehow with donations of our friends, but with time it became a great problem. After almost 60 days without unit companies, we used the chance we got with 50% upgrade discount, and we gathered gold to create our q5 tank company, which we created last night - - Armas Q5 de IMPERIO -. After we gather 35 gold more for the rubber company, IMPERIO will be able to return to its former glory.

- Since our last article, one of our members decided to leave eChile. Elvis Jara Bastias, took this hard decision although it meant that he will need to leave IMPERIO too.. He was a great part of our unit, and we respected his decision, with hope that one day he will return to his country, where he belongs.

- Today, on day 1434 of the New World, our unit has 9 active members. Here are our detailed statistics:
» Experience - Total Experience - 278.934 | Average xp - 30.992 | Average level - 31
Difference (from day 1419) - Total Experience (1.15😎 | Average xp - (2.800) | Average level - (1)
» Strenght - Total Strength - 45.700 | Average strength - 5.077 |
Difference (from day 1419) - Total Strength (4.271) | Average Strength - (80)
» Max Hit - Total influence with 1q5 hit - 25.764 | Average 1q5 hit - 2.862 |
Difference (from day 1419) - Total influence with 1q5 hit (1.972) | Average 1q5 hit - (89)
» Rang - Total rank points - 32.803.087 | Average rank points - 3.644.787 | Average rank - Supreme Marshal **
Difference (from day 1419) - Total rank points (1.210.17😎 | Avg rank points - (485.497) | Average rank - (1)
- Since this issue we will add country statistics from our Country. By doing this, we will be able to follow the growth of our community and strength folowing the recent baby boom. Our sources will be erepublik and
- Chilean country stats on day of 1434:

Number of citizens: 3690
Total strength: 942,493
Active citizens: 618
Weekly damage untill today: 187,175,390
Total xp: 4,584,790

- After the announce of the creation of IMPERIO academy, sadly we got bad response from newbies. Just 2 people applied, and none of them met the needed conditions. Since then, Chile got another Baby Boom, in which we got more than 1000 new players. It is of vital importance to help the most of them to stay in the game, as possible. For this, we announce again the concours for IMPERIO academy. The conditions remain the same:

Requests to join Academia Imperio are:
» Experience level below 4000
» Strength below 500

- To find out more about what IMPERIO academy is, please read our first article, it will take you 5 minutes, and you can find out alot from it - LINK. To join Academia Imperio, fill out this FORM. Members of Academia imperio will get the oprotunity to join IMPERIO UM, and with time, after few succesfull generations, old players of Imperio might create them their own UM, as a gift. They will also have to wear Academia Imperio avatar, at first the basic, and then, they will be able to ask for a personalized one:

- Imperio supports development of eChilean wiki community. In every issue we will present wiki page of one of our members, and in further issues we will reward the best and most proffessional wiki pages of our countrymen. You can write a wiki about your political party, military unit, your personal wiki page, a page about an important war in our eHistory, or anything relevant to our eCountry. Unlike articles which loses their importance in few days, wiki remains always, and countries wiki is something very important. In order to become wiki editor, you must request wiki editor account. You can request one on this link. Work professionaly, cause the best works will be well rewarded!

- In this issue we present the page of our member Akasuna Itachi! You can check out his page on this LINK!

- In this tutorial we will contine with clarifying the topics from the last tutorial. The first one on our list is the topic of location and citizenship. Your can check your current location on your profile page, where you can see the current country and the region in which you are located. Country that you are currently located affects the folowing topics:

- You can buy products from the market of that country
- You can fight in battles of the folowing country and its Mutal Protection Pacts.

The region in which you are located affects only your ability to raise a Ressistance War in that region, if its a region occupied by a foreign country. The topic of the RW's is pretty complicated, but it isnt that important for you in early days, so we will leave it for one of the folowing tutorials.

- You can change your location in a folowing way, in order as described on the picture:

1. Click the "change" button located next to your current locaton. It will lead you to a page similar to one on this picture.
2. Here you can see your current location
3. Here you can see zone of the region in which you are location
4. Pick a country where you need to move. If a country is deleted from the map, its name wont appear on this meny.
5. After this step, a new many will be opened, in which you pick a region where you want to move to. Regions marked with an * are countries colonies.

- Not so long time ago, there was an entire branch of economy dedicated to moving tickets, but it was removed, along with some other proffesions. Now, moving to another region is payed by our country currency, clp. The price of the flight is determened by the distance between the regions, in which every zone distance is payed 20 clp. For example, flight from Chile to Argentina is 1 zone, and in costs 20 clp, and a flight from Chile to Poland is 3 zones, and its payed with 60 clp.

- Your default citizenship after your registration is Chilean, and along with it you get the right to vote, sell your items on chilean market, and work in your companies with chilean production bonuses. Although i strongly recomend you not to try to change your citizenship, at least in first 6 months of playing, i will explane how do you do it, and what does it affect. After you move to a country from which you want to get citizenship, a button like one shown on picture appears.

- Currently im a congress member, and because congress members cant change citizenships, i cannot show you the process of requesting a citizenship. After you click this button, a new page appers, in which you write your request, explaning the causes why you want to obtain that citizenship. Afterwards, your application is forwarded to the congress members from the country in which you applied. After/if a congress member accepts your aplication, and you gain the citizenship, you get the option to sell your stuff on the coutry's market without paying import tax, but first you need to buy a selling licence to that market, which costs 20 gold. That would be all for today's tutorial, in the next issue of imperio magazine you can read more about politics, parties, congress, and much more.
- That would be all for the second issue of Imperio magazine. We hope you enjoyed it, and we promise more interesting information in our next articles. Regards from:

Imperio Command
Day 1,434 of the New World
Por la razon o la fuerza!!!