Imperialist Indonesia

Day 1,011, 08:50 Published in Israel Israel by Jewyoyo

Who is the imperialist?


Indonesia has always been among the strongest of countries in eRepublik, both militarily and economically. They have had the advantage of having a dedicated and large player base since eRep's earliest days. Unfortunately, the Indo's have decided to use their gifts to fight on the side of oppression and imperialism, subjugating the other nations of the region.

The current Indonesian Empire (blue).

As can be seen from the map, the Indonesians have direct control over original regions belonging to Thailand, Australia, and Malaysia. However, the extent of Indonesia's subjugation of those countries only begins there. Indonesia has complete political control over both Thailand and Australia, in eRepublik terms, they've been PTOed.



The current President of Thailand, Luthfisnet, is an Indonesian. He has been using his powers as president to bring Thailand into Indo's influence, boycotting former allies of Thailand, most notably the USA (Thailand's main trading partner) and our own country, Israel.


While Western Australia is still directly occupied by Indonesia, the rest of Australia is under Indo political control. As can be seen here, the Indonesian ran Poison and Perish Party (PaPP) has 60% of the Australian congress, and the Australian president is also a member. Basically, Indonesia has complete control over Australia.

It's time that we take a stand against this oppression of nations once friendly to us. Sadly there is not much we can do, due to our geographic position and relative strength to Indonesia. What we can do is end trade with Indonesia and her puppet countries. This will stop the flow of our tax dollars and goods to their countries and vice versa, and will also send the message that we won't allow the Indos to tread on the rights of other nations.