Impeachment, USWP, and the Future...Oh My!

Day 483, 15:12 Published in USA USA by ProggyPop

It's been some time since I collected all of my thoughts together about the state of Erepublik. As such, it's long overdue for a few comments about our current situation. Let me get right to it, as introductions are boring and cliché.

Sending a Message

Some of you may know that I recently proposed impeaching President Uncle Sam. This was not a happy moment for me, but something I took extremely seriously. I was against the Mexican War from the outset, but I believed that we needed to conduct a proper war if we were to go to war at all. I'm not one of the “Lol Rawr” types around Congress. Rather, I saw the need for strategic planning.

Unfortunately our President didn't seem to agree.

Time and time again I witnesed UncleSam ignore the strategists in his administration and in Congress. We failed to close the war with Portugal prior to starting the war with Mexico. We failed to wait until the borders were linked. We failed to plan a strong endgame. We failed to supply our soldiers with guns. We failed to keep track of our tanks and deploy them intelligently.

Simply put, we failed.

Some in Congress disagreed with my logic for impeachment, as they believed we shouldn't punish the Commander in Chief just because the war goes poorly. It was my believe that, unlike the French war, the Mexican War went poorly BECAUSE of the President. I saw that as a high crime and one punishable by impeachment.

Congress disagreed and voted down impeachment. Regardless, I believe that the impeachment proceeding was a success. Uncle Sam improved his communication outreach to Congress recently and so we've seen an uptick in logical thought. I'm also fairly happy with the involvement of the Congress in PEACE negotiations. So I have no regrets about the move for impeachment.

What a Party

I was recently re-elected as USWP Party President and I thank all of my supporters for this honor. It's my pleasure to announce that our membership is now above 1,000 members! I believe we are the first party in the world to reach that amount and we're closing in on double the members of the next biggest party in the country (Libertarians). This is a great success!

We're looking to continue our expansion but to also bring more members into the fold. We have a lot of opportunities for leadership. The bigger we are, the more services we try to provide and the more institutional research we can do. So I call on all USWP to please contact me, GoBucks, Panther, Inwegen, Scrabman, or AidenAstrup in the next few days and ask us about leadership opportunities. We want to get you involved!

A New Morning, Changing Weather

It's my belief that this country sorely needs a new agenda. Our foreign affairs lack vision and we're stuck in the muck on PEACE, ATLANTIS, and military affairs. My good friend Scrabman will run for President next month and I'm confident that he'll present a bold agenda. At the moment myself and other USWP leaders are running for Congress and I plan to present an agenda as such. While I do not speak for anyone other than myself, I'm confident that the USWP as a whole can come together, find the best parts of this plan, and pass it. Here is my comprehensive plan on foreign affairs and the military.

1) The new Congressional committee on the military re-evaluates the leadership team of the military and recommends changes as necessary. We should speak to experts and the officials themselves to get a better idea of who is doing what and where communication and leadership breakdowns occur. We must also insulate military leaders from the whims of changing politics, so that the Joint Chief of Staff serves for multiple terms. The political liason should be the Secretary of Defense, appointed by the President and the intermediary there.

2) Charter a Military Academy where our best minds can discuss strategy and communication skills. We can also train platoon leaders through this school and make it a requirement for a PL position. We need a new appreciation for military strategy.

3) Open up infinite war-games with an ally. The fact is that we need to increase our average strength. I propose that we work with an ATLANTIS ally that borders us and that is close to the end of a peace treaty and we open up a constant war game every few days. This will allow us to increase our strength. It is silly to do this with Mexico and give PEACE extra EXP opportunities, so we need to work with an ally.

4) Stock up on iron. We should contract with companies that will act as exclusive distributors of Q1 and Q4 iron. This allows us to stock our weapon companies. Which leads us to...

5) Improve the funding and support in the QMG's office so all soldiers will be armed. This is quite important and a major issue. Our soldiers MUST be armed. The price of guns spiraled out of control at the end of the Mexican War, so our gun companies must be stocked and ready to hand out weapons. Guns make a tremendous difference to the battles and we need every soldiers stocked for every battle.

6) Fix the ATLANTIS treaty. We can't afford to leave ATLANTIS but we must fix the treaty. First, we should take out the penalty section for lack of notice as a monetary penalty and instead impose some sort of economic sanction penalty. Secondly we should shrink the time needed for advance notice to 24 hours. Next we need to re-evaluate ATLANTIS membership by bringing in new countries and kicking out those that simply don't belong. Finally, we need to centralize ATLANTIS authority by appointing a more functional team of leaders that report to the countries themselves. Perhaps a functional Board of Directors is in order.

This is my agenda and I will work diligently to get each and every point through Congress.

Thank you for your time.