Impeachment On Uncle Sam

Day 464, 12:55 Published in USA USA by Dillon Smith

As we bare down on the last hours of the proposal it looks like Uncle Sam is clear. I knew once it happened it would get turned down. However it was a bad idea to propose this Impeachment on Uncle Sam. I have a couple things to say. When the proposal came, who voted yes? I would like to know who voted for what.

Now lets get into the Congress fault. I know Aiden is sorta to blame for this wrongful due but who's fault is it really? I think its Congress fault. I mean Congress is the ones voting on this. Some people have diffrent thoughts and thats great. I want people to discus is here down below in the comments below.

As I write this article I look and see that we have two more hours to go with 38 No votes beating 23 Yes votes. Its easy to say that Uncle Sam will stay in office. Witch is great! Like I said this should have never happened. Its not right but Aiden did have a true comment yesterday. Aiden said "People can propose whatever they want, and people can vote however they want". Well Aiden is true and thats why we cant blame him. Lets blame our congress folks. Thank you all and vote up! Lets here youre voices!

Dillon Smith