Impeachment of Jacobi

Day 668, 05:09 Published in Canada USA by Captain Sam

I decided to write this article because of the Canadian Progressive Front's attempt to impeach President Jacobi. (Impeachment proposal can be found here:

eCanada has a long history of political partisanship. Political parties within eCanada have a nasty habit of putting themselves before their country. It isn't an exaggeration to say that a few would rather have eCanada destroyed than have someone of an opposing party do well. Just 4 hours ago a prominent CPF member proposed the impeachment of Jacobi. Many members within the CPF (Most of whom were members of the Canadian Empire Party) have been highly critical of Jacobi ever since he first stepped into the position of President of eCanada. Most of it being without merit and completely asinine. They have consistently spouted propaganda in an attempt to sway public opinion. The CPF however isn't the only party to spread disinformation. CSD (Canadian Social Democrats), DAL (Democratic Action League), CPP (Canadian Paradox Party), etc. are all guilty.

Even during the invasion of North America, there was continued bickering among parties. Jacobi was repeatedly attacked by those claiming he didn't know what he was doing, that he apparently was trying to destroy eCanada, which is just absurd. Whichever party is in power, is the one that is assaulted by a barrage of misinformation and disinformation to be painted in a bad light. It's true for Jacobi, it was true for Bruck, it was true of Zanalan, and so on...

I don't know of any other eCountry that has such rampant party factionalism.

Personally, I like Jacobi. I think he's doing a great job. Even though I'm a member of DAL, I voted against my party and voted for Jacobi. When I was a member of the CSD, I voted for Bruck. I also thought Bruck was a pretty good President.

What I'm trying to bring to attention, and trying to ask, is to end party factionalism. Stay with your beliefs, but do not dogmatically follow your party. And for crying out loud, stop proposing impeachments without any justification that you know won't pass. It does nothing but make you look bad (We all know Banach gets in power if Jacobi is impeached), and irritate eCanadian citizens.