Impeaching Uncle Sam: A Joke Gone Wrong?? (UPDATED)

Day 463, 16:27 Published in USA USA by Ansen

At the end of each congressional term, congressmen and women propose silly things like raising the minimum wage by $.01. Why? For the "lulz," I suppose, and because congressmen receive 1 xp for each proposal they vote on.

However, about 40 minutes ago, AidenAstrup proposed an impeachment of the President of the United States, Uncle Sam. I assume that this was part of this "joke proposal" process, but at the moment, (16:24 erepublik time), the proposal is passing 13-6. (Something to remember is that the proposal must pass with a 66% majority.)

I'll admit that I didn't vote for Uncle Sam, but I am absolutely astonished that congress is, so far, passing this proposal. What in the world has Sam done to deserve impeachment? Whether you think he's done a fine job or not, he has certainly done nothing to warrant being forcibly removed from office.

Congressmen and women! Do not vote yes on this proposal! Not only did it not go through the proper channels, it is simply uncalled for!

Citizens, I call on you to contact your congressman (both your old and new one, if applicable) and let them know that you are not ok with them treating their position like a big joke - especially when it could cost the nation.


Update: The proposal now (@ 13:0😎 now stands at 23-38, which means Sam is in no danger of being impeached. Some question still remains as to who were the 23 people that voted for the impeachment, and whether their motive was simply to be funny, or whether they had a deeper agenda...


The Topeka-Capital Journal will always try to release accurate news, as soon as it happens - this was the first article to be released about the impeachment proposal.

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