Immigration plans

Day 749, 02:19 Published in Ireland Ireland by Ian Arb

Hello friends,
I will be planning to clear the Immigration mess into a nice tidy office so I won't be piled with paper works all over me.

I will have 3 different spreadsheets for :
- Pending Appilcations
- Immigrated Citizens
- Blacklist

[Pending Appilcations
This is where I start investigating on the Citizen looking for background information etc.. If accepted he/she will be marked Green and moved to the Immigrated Spreadsheet, and if not accepted he/she will be marked Red and moved to the Blacklist.
*I will inform every Congressman/woman about the Blacklist to make sure they won't get accepted*

Immigrated Citizens
This is where I keep records of Immigrated citizens into Ireland to count how many immigrated into Ireland in the past month.

This is where I keep records of dangerous citizens who appiled for Citizenship such as Theifs, PTO'ers and not trusted citizens.

How will I investigate
Quite simple actually nothing big or special.
- Investigate citizen's Wiki for General Background (if has one)
- Look at the Citizen's newpaper for articles
- Contact the Government he/she is immigrating from
- Ask him/she a few questions
Should take a least 48 Hours or get accepted quickly if known by a TD or Minister.

That should be it nice and tidy I will not let you down 😉
Ian Arbuckle
Minister of Immigration