Immigration Ministry. eUAE policy.

Day 1,158, 16:16 Published in United Arab Emirates Russia by Sekorashka

Hello my dear brothers,

Now we have more than 180 citizens and more than 80 CS requests. We alredy got 21 new citizens and nearly 50 approved CS. But there are too much citizenship applications, so we create Immigration Ministry. Which helps you to get citizenship.

All you nee😛

1) Fill the form

2) Move to UAE and write applications, where you can write that filled form.

3) Work in Government or ABoC companies.

4) Wait 3-7 days in which you will be interviewed by a representative of the Immigration Ministry.
(number of day may increase there are a lot of work in other spheres)

5) CS is yours or not.

We want to create the best eSociety in UAE, but for that we need good personnel. Help us🙂

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