Im Outta Here eCanada

Day 1,031, 16:58 Published in Canada Canada by Acacia Mason

The last few days have tested the last of my patience with a government that is hell bent on allowing a witch hunt to run rampant at the hands of a Deputy Attorney General who has lost all sense of protocol and duty. No Wes, its not acceptable to do what you have done. As the Crown Counsel you are expected to hold yourself to a higher standard...not run around in IRC like a glory hound looking to bask in the attention you so richly crave.

I have had enough of watching a corrupt MoI walk around as though he is somehow immune from corruption. He is not...his crimes are absolutely heinous and should be prosecuted to the fullest extent. They wont be though...our attention loving dAG has no interest...its not high profile enough I guess.

How sad it is when I am told that I am of no help to anyone because I am a treasonous traitor and yet one of the key organizers of the new government hijacked not one...but two orgs! Irony and Hypocrisy will always run rampant in our government.

Say what you will about me...I did my absolute level best to bring an end to what I saw as the greatest threat to national security I have ever witnessed. What did I get for my efforts? Threat of prosecution and calls of being a liar and a traitor.

Wes if you want my citizenship and you want to prosecute me? Come and get me...I dare you! I absolutely frickin dare you! I did you a massive wouldn’t have had jack for logs if not for my willingness to share...and yet now you choose to persecute me and say I am doing nothing but covering up. Your delusions are legendary even exhonerated me yourself only to once again go back and accuse flip flop faster than anyone I know...get a grip on reality son.

To those who know me best...who know the real truth and not the spin that the attention seeking child dAG spews, you will have my eternal support. I will continue to produce podcasts for your enjoyment because there is no reason to take that away from those who enjoy them.

All I know is that this government is going to get what it deserves and you deserve Wes as much as he deserves you.

Im outta here...I will be travelling with AngryMobMan for at least the next 4 months...I will decide whether to bother returning at that point.

Yours In National......No

Let The Red Dragon Rise!