Illuminati Update 11-03-08

Day 349, 21:24 Published in USA USA by Atlien

This is an article to my fellow Illuminati members and to future ones. I definitely invite all party members to subscribe to this newspaper and others are very welcome too. I am simply addressing my plans for action within the party and some of the things I have been working on up to this point.

First, I welcome all eRepublikans to read wiki page for the Illuminati that I have recreated here ( The wiki is really overlooked by country leaders and party presidents as a place to give information about your organization, it really is the only way to give information. Seeing that I do care about eRepublik, I have also updated the pages for eUSA and other parties since the wiki has been so neglected.

Now on to my plan for the party. Our members are leaving simply because we are not in the top 5 parties within eUSA. We are currently sitting at the #7 slot with 47 members. The party standings at this time are as follows:

1. United States Workers Party - 639 members
2. Libertarian Party - 551 members
3. eRepublicans For Change - 221 members
4. United Constitutionalist Party - 190 members
5. America's Advancement Party - 174 members
6. Democratic Party - 100 members
7. The Illuminati - 47 members

The main problem with these standings are that we as a party are not allowed any kind of political power without being in the top 5. So, the only thing we can do is grow. Spread the word about the Illuminati, enlighten your friends. We are a group here to encourage education so we plan to focus on programs that do just that. Programs that are only meant to help the citizens. The only way we can be taken seriously in this government is by increasing our numbers. If you have any friends in eRepublik, encourage them to join our party, explain to them why you did and do the same for friends outside of eRepublik. Explain how the society is and invite them to our party, I will be glad to help them get acclimated. Also, please donate any gold you can spare to the party so that we can have the chance of rewarding our members that bring in the most new members and if you have any more suggestions please feel free to send them my way! 🙂

So, join The Illuminati, and if you have any or need help with anything please let me know. I am here to help as much as I can.