Illinois, I Want You

Day 577, 15:34 Published in USA USA by crashnct

Hi, my name is Crashnct and I want to be your congressman Illinois.

It would be an honor to represent a state that has such a great history of politicians in RL and in game.

Things I Stand for –
Lower Taxes - especially on low quality items that affect newer players. Taxes fund our war games, they fund our military and they fund some social programs. I’m not against taxes, just for lowering them. I believe by lowering them it will allow younger players to save more, and be better at investing in themselves. I believe by doing so more players will stick around, more money will be saved for houses and eventually businesses, further expanding our economy.

MPPs – I believe MPPs are great diplomatic tools. I believe we should always honor our MPP’s. But since I believe we should always honor them, I feel that we should be careful in making MPP’s. As congressman I plan on reviewing each and every MPP. We, as a nation, should make MPP’s with all allies, those who work with us, who are willing to work with us economically and militarily.

Infrastructure - I believe in expanding more Q4 and Q5 hospitals. I feel that we need some in our central states, not along the border so we have a safe hospital. I also feel that this will help reduce the overcrowding in New Jersey and Florida, the only two Q5 hospitals we have. Now I know in this game overcrowding isn’t a real issue, but I think people would enjoy living in other states.

Increasing Activity – In the US we have the Meals on Wheels program as well as the Mentor program to assist new players. Both are great and play a role. But the program that had the best impact on me was the National Guard training. The training I received there helped me orient myself in this game, and I feel I owe most if not all of my success so far to it. This is a program that we need to promote more to new players. It brings structure, advice, and gives new people instant friends. This is a program I would like to see expanded.

Activity – I consider myself pretty active, with multiple logons daily. I read the forums daily, even though I may not post much. I am also usually logged on to IRC for a couple hours each day. As your congress man I will make it a point to read and vote on each and every proposal. I want your voices heard. As such feel free to pm in game with your comments and suggestions.

Remember vote for me, Crashnct. Tell your friends to vote for me.

I want to represent you, Illinois.