II Międzynarodowe spotkanie graczy eRepublik

Day 1,596, 12:39 Published in Poland Poland by Rzecznik Rzadu

Na prośbę Wei (Wieloryb) udostępniam łamy gazetki rządowej dla artykulu o wakacyjnym, międzynarodowym zlocie eRepublik. Myślę, że dobrym pomysłem jest dotarcie do jak najszerszej rzeszy graczy również poprzez tę gazetkę, która cieszy się stosunkowo dużą poczytnością. Poprzedni, pierwszy zlot był bardzo udany i dlatego uważam, że warto zainteresować naszych graczy kolejnym. eRepublik to nie tylko klikanie w grze przeglądarkowej, ale również, a może przede wszystkim, kontakt z ludźmi z różnych miejsc świata. Międzynarodowy zlot to świetna ku temu okazja.

Rzecznik Rządu: Ghanim


Rok temu w Budapeszcie odbył się pierwszy międzynarodowy zlot eRepublik. Przybyli przedstawiciele bardzo wielu państw, łącznie z adminami (nikt nie został pobity). W tym roku międzynarodowy zlot został zaplanowany w Rumunii w Siedmiogrodzie (Timisoara) w dniach 6-8 lipca.

Dajemy znać już teraz gdyby ktoś potrzebował zaklepać sobie urlop, znajomych lub po prostu nie przepił całej kasy, by mieć za co pojechać.

Lotów bezpośrednich nie ma do Timisoary, ale z Budapesztu jest dość ładny dojazd i samochodem (można zabrać się z graczami z Budapesztu) lub pociągiem (koszt w obie strony w tamtym roku - 27euro). Do samego Budapesztu samoloty latają i często są promocje na te loty lub z Krakowa (nie wiem jak z innych miast) jeździ autobus OrangeWays, który w obie strony kosztował w tamtym roku 130zł.

Jeśli zamierzasz przybyć, skontaktuj się za pomocą tego linku oraz dołącz do wydarzenia na fejsbuku http://www.facebook.com/events/110645912401570/

Poniżej przedstawiam przedruk z oryginalnego artykułu o zlocie, który zawiera więcej informacji.



"Gathered under the same banner"

It has come to this, we have chosen the location and the date for the 2nd International eRepublik Meeting. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves.


The First International Meeting was held in Budapest. Most of you might know or heard about it and some of you actually came to the Meeting in Budapest from 19th to 21st of August 2011. The location was chosen way back in February 2011 by Gregory Gallangher and I in a pub in Szeged while we were boozing together during a Hungarian eRepublik meeting. We drank wine and a lot of brewskies and somewhere on the border of just being sober enough to talk and drunk enough to not to think straight Gregory threw out his wish of a Hungarian-Romanian meeting. We talked about it and decided at that time and place that the meeting should be held in Budapest in the summer. Later AThompson stepped in too and, together, we decided that “19th - 21st of August” will be the date. The rest is history.

The Second International Meeting... well we try to implement a set of rules in picking out the location and date for the meeting, something that can and will be applied to the following meetings as well.


|||Selecting the location and date for the Second Meeting|||

We had a lot of demands for all kinds of cities and countries. Everyone wants the meeting to be as close as possible to his hometown or in his hometown. So I devised a simple idea to boost foreign presence at the International Meetings while also having an easier time in picking the location and date of the International Meeting in the future.

- Picking the location from now on -

The next country to accommodate an International Meeting will be automatically picked if it sends the most players to the previous International Meeting. Also, those who have hosted the Meeting won't be able to host another one. This way anyone can have a shot at getting the Third & following International Meetings to them.

I.e. If at the Second International Meeting the most foreigners will be, let’s say, from Sweden, Sweden will automatically get the Third International Meeting to be held in Sweden. The Swedes that would come would have a huge saying also in selecting the city of the Meeting. But if Hungary will send the most players to the Second Meeting, since they already hosted the First one, they won't be given the green light in order to host the Third Meeting.

This way any country has a shot at being the host of the Third & following International eRepublik Meetings.

In Budapest the most foreigners were the Romanians, 15 of which 12 came from Bucharest - 850 km away. So using the procedure described beforehand....


|||The location and date of the Second International eRepublik Meeting|||

"Timisoara, Victoriei square"

the location is Timisoara (Temiswar, Temesvar, Temisvar), Romania. The meeting will start on the 6th of July and will end on the 8th of July.

"Unirii square, where the action will take place. If the weather will be wonderfull the boozing will be done on the terraces."

Travel by car

The highway from Budapest runs down right to the Hungarian-Romanian border and also there are another 33 km of highway between Arad and Timisoara, on Romanian soil. Of course, I’ll be assisting you with any other info you’ll need.

- Beograd - Timisoara 180 km
- Budapest - Timisoara 300 km of which 200 km on highways
- Sarajevo - Timisoara 450 km
- Bucharest - Timisoara 550 km
- Zagreb - Timisoara 600 km
- Sofia - Timisoara 600 km of which 220 km on highways
- Skopje - Timisoara 650 km
- L’Viv - Timisoara 650 km
- Krakow - Timisoara 700 km
- Ljubljana - Timisoara 750 km of which 620 km on highways
- Tirana - Timisora 800 km
- Istanbul - Timisoara 1200 km
- Athens - Timisoara 1300 km of which 830 km on highways

Travel by plane

Timisoara has an International Airport that meets all Schengen requirements.

Direct flights to Timisoara from Wien, L’Viv, Odessa, Cernauti (Ukraine), Athens, Chisinau, Dortmund, Dusseldorf, Munich, Stuttgart, Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia, Paris, Luton (London), Rome, Milan, Bologna, Venice and all major Romanian cities. Also Budapest International Airport is just 300 km away. It has flights from all around the world. Organisers can help with info where needed.

Travel by train

Timisoara is close to the Hungarian and Serbian border of Romania and it is located right on the international Bucharest-Budapest-Wien routes and Bucharest-Belgrade.

With any info you need on the accommodation and travel, you can find me on #erepimeet channel, Rizon server.


|||People you'll meet|||

4 Finns have already booked their flight to Timisoara or Bucharest. Also we have Serbians, Hungarians, Polish, Croatian and many more who announced their presence. There won't be spreads and lists. If you'll come you have to contact me directly here : www.erepublik.com/en/main/messages-compose/1559052 and press teh little Join button here http://www.facebook.com/events/110645912401570/

The Romanians will be in great numbers from all over Romania... including admins. Yeah, you heard me, admins too. I wonder who will rape Plato in a face-to-face, all-out mass rage.



Romania is in the EU so the prices are almost similar to the prices you can find in Hungary, Poland, Slovenia, Bulgaria.

"This beer is like the sweetest nectar of life. There is nothing you'd rather do than enjoy it's flavour, smell and esence at heart"

■ alcohol :
The prices can range from 2 euros for a 3 litre PET beer to 1 euro for a regular pint of beer and 2.5 euros for one of the best unfiltered locally produced beers.

■ accommodation :
Pension prices for single start from 17 euro/night and for double it starts from 25 euro/night.
Hostel prices for single start from 15 euro/night and for double it starts from 17 euros/night.
Hotel prices for single start from 34 euro/night and for double from 43 euros/night
Appartment prices start from 55 euros/4 bed appartment/night. That’s 13 euros/night/person.

■ clothes
We have the 2nd largest Mall of Romania, 177,000 square meters. You’d better not waste your whole day there 😒.


|||Things to see and to do|||

"My personal favourites are attending a home game and loitering in the local parks in the spring time. And now it's springtime"

■ National Opera and National Theater in three languages : romanian, hungarian and german. It’s one of a kind in whole of Europe.
■ The Bastion, a remnant of the old city walls, now reconstructed to host pubs, restaurants and art museums.
■ "Unirii square", the place where we will hold the actual meeting in one of the tens of pubs, most probably on a terrasse.
■ "Victoriei" square (live webcam), where the Romanian anti communist revolution began and where hundreds of locals lost their lives in 1989.
■ the Orthodox Metropolitan Cathedral, the tallest building in the city
■ the Banatian Village Museum if you want to take a pic at the regional history
■ Freedom square
■ the University campus, where all the beautiful girls and good pubs can be found
■ the Catholic Dome and the Serbian Church, both built in the 18th century
■ the Baroc Museum. It’s located right in Unirii square.
■ "Timisoreana" beer factory. The beer company was founded back in 1718.
■ Central park
■ "Rozelor" park (it will be totally renewed by the time of the meeting)
■ Children's park (it will be totally renewed by the time of the meeting)

"The Baroc Museum the last summer at night during the "Timisoara Days" "

Also there is everything else a bigger city could offer from pubs and discos to bowling and kart racing but considering the experience of the First Meeting most will just want to visit for several hours the city center and then head straight for the pubs.


|||Contact and details|||

I want to remind you that I'm available through PM regarding any questions you'd have about the International Meeting and also on Rizon server with the nick alpho. As soon as others will join in helping organising the flow of foreigners, I'd like to have an organiser for each group that will come from the organisor's country.
Channel: #erepimeet ; Server: Rizon

There is also a Facebook page for this even : http://www.facebook.com/events/110645912401570/

alpho - beer and wine drinker extraordinaire[/b]