If I'm Voted for Presidency - إذا إنتخبت رئيساً

Day 1,226, 15:03 Published in Egypt Egypt by Arab League

Presidency is no doubt a hard thing, and probably harder here in eRepublik, since the Term is only for 1 Month, which i personally find as not enaugh to achieve what you want, especially in a starting country that needs ALOT of Organizing, and building, and most importantly Stability. and im guessing alot of people are wondering what ill do if Voted President of eEgypt...

let me go throught my plans by sections, each discussing a particular category...


my Desisions will NOT be taken only by me, but by a new Council that i will call the Shura Council, taking their opinion about matters, to make sure that i get all opinions from my Cabinet, and will hope to have that carried on to Future Governments.

Creating a Constitution is a MUST in this stage, we have survived for so long with no Constitution, i have had my shares of creating Virtual Games Constitutions, and will defiantly be able to create on here, and will not be doing one by myself, but with the Voting of ALL Egyptian Citizens.

*Interior Affairs

Population, and babyboom is what will really make Egypt a strong nation, its as important as Education in RL, and must be focused on by me, and by ANY future President, with an Arab population of 40 million internet Users, and 13 million Facebook Users, who will probably will be interested in the Game, since FB is Essential here in the Arab world, and Egypt in Particular, population growth is a MUST, and ill try to Double our current population, in coordination with the Mo-Information, by doing Ads, and recruitment, over Facebook and other Game forums, that share political, economical, or Military and virtual online games, and we will try to attract English speakers, since Arabic is Still not an official language.

*Foreign Affairs

Egypt will NOT be joining ANY Major Alliances, but instead will seek living peacefully, with its Original Regions, and maintaining GOOD relations with ALL Sides, even tho the country has a HUGE Croatian and Greek Population, but we will defiantly seek Good Relations with Countries such as Turkey and Serbia, opening Embassies is probably a great thing to start doing now, especially that i have personal relations with Neighboring leaders in Israel, Saudi Arabia, Greece, Turkey, and even in Far East in Taiwan, Japan and China and even in India. we will need to have better relations with USA, Iran, Poland, Russia, and other states.

*Arab Affairs

Egypt is an Arab state, and a RL Arab will ALWAYS feel a belonging to ANY Arab state, and will always be emotional to another Arab than to any other state, and we have seen that in RL in the Arab revolutions, that erupted in Tunisia, and has spread to every Arab state (excluding UAE and Qatar), therefore, Alliances will be something that is Inevitable, ill work on Integration between the Arab states, to have Common Economic Policies, and will work on Baby-boom alongside, as well as building the Military, and perhaps even swapping regions that another state needs, but this will be on referendum.


The Ratio of Gold and Currency is Absolutely not Satisfying to anyone, as well as the prices, that seem to be poorly handled, im planning on involving an IRC room for each resource, to have a reasonable price for resources, and good and materials, something like a Union, a petroleum Union, a Food Union, for Companies, employers, etc... to open a direct method for communication, and sharing Ideas, which the Mo-Finance will be in charge of as well.


During my reign, i will not enter ANY form of War, and no plans, like the previous ones will be made, Egypt shall Maintain its Original Regions, and the Regions in Hijaz, and that is IT... not Jihadic Crusades against anyone, Egyptians are free of course to participate in any combat they wish, which will of course help make our Soldiers stronger, but Egypt will remain Neutral to ALL conflicts, including those which occur in other Arab states. at least until the country is strong enough to openly start a war to defend an Arab state.


until this day, Egypt's Wiki page looks bad, at least for someone who created over 500 articles on Wikipedia like me 😛
improving the articles of Egypt, and creating a Portal that would represent the Country, or perhaps one portal that represents the Three Arab states, with Links for each state will be Created in my period, as well as Creating Baby-boom Ads, in cooperation with MoIA of course.

*Mukhabarat (National Security)

the Mukhabarat, will be one of the most important things my Government will be doing, and working on, recruiting Spies in Strategic locations, to know what goes on in the secret rooms of people that might be planning attacks or have double standards, this is perhaps the first line of Defense in Egypt, and is poorly taken to consideration in the Game as a whole, the Mukhabarat will be opening a new fun game for the players, and for eEgyptians to work, where we shall assist them building themselves to reach into powerful positions to spy on nations, and perhaps even seek presidency in certain states (no PTOing of course)

*PTOing Rumors

it is no secret that Egypt is being called Croegypt, which for me, is absolutely not acceptable, haters that wish to ruin our relations with our Croatian Friends need to stop these rumors, we will ofcourse have no power to stop such rumors, as i believe in freedom of speech, and have fought for it in the 25 of Jan revolution in the streets of Cairo, but this Terminology is Extreamly Insulting, not because it includes Croatia, as this isnt something to be ashamed of of course, but Pride in Croatia, but because they are simply describing Egypt as something it is not, a country that has a history, Richer than ANY on earth, and is the Heart of the Arab world, and Arab Heritage and Culture, is being mocked, which for me is not acceptable, we will need to make people understand that Croatia and Egypt are TWO separate States that share Very Very good relations, im open for ideas on how to do so... to show Egypt's Culture and Heritage.

*Being an Arab

i Understand that the majority of Citizens in Egypt do NOT read Arabic, and know little about the language and culture, their for, i find it necessary and our Duty as Arabs to present our Culture and Language, i have heard several suggestions, like building Dar-Tarjama (or a Translation house), since google is (with all due respect) insulting to Arabs when it comes to translation 🙂

another thing that we should work on, is make the non-Arabs in Egypt understand the things that Arabs have pride in, and things that can be considered insultive in our culture, not only for them to know, but also for better communication with a hopefully, a country with Egyptian Majority one day. since at the end of the day, it would be awfully boring if the world was managed by one group of people... diversity is beautiful.. 🙂

PS: their will be changes in the Mo-defence post, as the MoD, Varlosh, will be the Vice-President of the Country,also in Mo-Arab Affairs, both Will be announced tomorow inchallah...

PSS: as persident, i will be also open for ALL Interviews for ANY Newspaper.

Dont Forget to Subscribe, and to Vote, and Shout, but most importantly, please give me your feedback, and tell me what you think...