Iepazīsties - Taivāna! 中華民國 (台灣)

Day 2,968, 08:30 Published in Latvia Latvia by KristapsM9
Greetings random reader!

This article is an introduction to state where I'm ambassador - Taiwan. Intorduction about Latvia You can read here.
This article will be in english because I am not from Taiwan. So in case I write something wrong - our friends from Taiwan will be able to correct it! 😁

We are here not here:

Republic of China which is the official name of Taiwan, is located in Asia, right next to its big neighbor - People's Republic of China. See the difference?! 😛


Taiwan's capital is called - Taipei (臺北市) It's located in Northern side of the island. There lives about 2,700,000 people - so it's "a bit" more populated than our country.. I meant - capital Riga. 😁 Total population ~23,500,000..


"Snow?! Yeah - I have seen that in pictures!" Average lowest in January: 13,9 °C, Record lowest -0,1 °C (minus zero point one!) So - its a bit hotter there.. 😃 Summers is fine too - temperature can climb up to 40 °C. (Average melting point for Latvian: 45 °C). So You will have to make sure You don't stand in direct sun for too long when You will visit Taiwan! 😃


"WTH is that?!" won't be the 1st question when You look at the national cuisine of Taiwan. They have LOADS of different dishes. Pork, chicken, different seafood and of course - rice. You will be able to find it all in taiwanese cuisine. Here are some of them that looks nite:

Beef noodle soup (牛肉麵)
As the name say - Beef with noodles in the soup! 😁 You can get this everywhere you go. Popular stuff I guess! 😁

Tee eggs (茶葉蛋)

Eggs boiled in tea. Similar stuff to Easter eggs, just when You boil them you must crack egg's shell a little bit so the tea can soak into egg.


Well.. Can't say much about entertainment becouse I don't live there.. So I will just post some boobs and.. thats how I will roll with it! 😃

So, thats all for now! 😁 See You in next article in eRoC! 😁

Ambassador of eLatvia in eRoC