IDF Recruitment

Day 1,037, 15:05 Published in Ireland Ireland by Irish Department of Defence

Hello Irish citizens. This message is to you. We know what is coming after the recent triumph of Irish military strategy. With the liberation of Northern Ireland we all know the eUK won't sit idle and are planning a counter attack as we speak. The IDF needs you. Ireland needs you.

So what does the IDF offer you, the average citizen of Ireland? It offers you protection from the enemies of Ireland and a change of pace in your eLife.

How many of you are stuck in this rut?



An endless cycle.

Would you like a change?

Kill Redcoats


Much better.

If you are reading this and are not a member of the IDF you should be and if you would like to be...please go to this link

Anthony Colby - Co Minister of Defence
Donovan Thomas - Co Minister of Defence
Ian Arbuckle - Chief of Staff