IDF/ISDF - New Pay Structure Inside. We Are Still Openly Recruiting. SIGN UP TODAY!!!!!!!

Day 327, 10:51 Published in Ireland Ireland by Irish Department of Defence

As the title of this article states the new government of Ireland has decided to allot some money for this great countries armed forces. As some may see theyve already received their payment backdated to the day they started in the IDF. If people were out of the country when i was giving out payments they didnt receive any so if they could contact the DOD when they return they can get their money back, if not then i guess they are no longer members.

There are some clauses to this new payscale though. Yes everyone currently signed up was payed from the time they joined until the skill level they are today. After this though if you want your money for reaching a skill level you need to PM us to get it as it will be a form of roll call so to speak. Then i know the money is going to an active player and not some dieing husk of a player who no longer wants to play. That being said i will introduce the new payscale drawn up by Igor Thunderbrow.

ISDF sign up 2.5IEP

IDF sign up 1.5IEP

Skill 3.00 = 3.00IEP
Skill 4.00 = 5.00 IEP
Skill 5.00 = 7.50 IEP
Skill 5.50 = 7.50IEP
Skill 6.00 = 10.00 IEP
Skill 6.50 = 10.00IEP
Skill 7.00 = 15.00 IEP

Will any members who didnt receive their funding please contact the Irish Department of Defense ASAP and we will work it out as quickly as possible.

I believe this is ushering in a new era for the defenders of Ireland and sovereign nations around the world. We will no longer be required to supply ourselves with weapons in order to fight for our great nation we will now have some help to stock up our inventory. Im excited to see what else can come of this new cooperation between 2 defense ministers.


Ministers of Defense
Ciaran CheXavier
Igor Thunderbrow

Irish Defense Force (IDF)

Duties - To join your Regional Defense Unit and fill up your weapons stock in preperation for a defense should the need ever arise. Though everyone is expected to defend Ireland if attacked to be in the Regional Defense Units you must have certain requirements.


- 2.00 or higher skill level in Strength.
- Be a citizen of Ireland

Irish Special Defense Forces (ISDF)

Duties - To first of all defend their country before all else and partake in combat with the IDF should they ever be in a conflict. To be ready at all times to heed the call of our president and partake in conflicts that he deems necessary. Meaning no commitments here and ready to take flight tomorrow.

Requirements -

-3.00 or higher skill level in Strength.
-Can NOT be a mayor or congressman as you can not leave the country.
-Have to be an active member of the irish community and have held a citizenship at some point.
-Can Not be Regional Officer.

Regional Officers

Duties - To Coordinate and lead the troops that are stationed in the Region you command.

Requirements - Be voted mayor of your region.

Regional Officer of Galway - Final Destiny
Regional Officer of Dundalk - Top Gun
Regional Officer of Cork - Wes Tanner
Regional Officer of Dublin - Inquitus
Regional Officer of Limerick - 5n4keyes
Regional Officer of Waterford - Quatermass

Acting Commander for the ISDF

Duties - Coordinating and Giving the orders to the ISDF units when stationed in a foreign country.


-4.00 or higher skill level in strength
-Can NOT be a mayor or congressman as you can not leave the country.
-Live as a citizen in Ireland when not in conflicts abroad for the ISDF.

Acting Commander for the ISDF - Elwyn