Ideas on Player Retention

Day 929, 14:46 Published in USA USA by Slacker Attacler

Player retention is a huge problem we are having on this game. I have worked in the Mentor program and I have talked to new players and it just seems to me like they don't care and the game is too difficult to survive in. Now there is many goverment agencys that will help new players with food and moving tickets but the problem with these programs is that the new players have to know they exist. As it is now there is no way for new players to find this info unless they are told about it or read it in an article.

Now the eUSA has people working to contact all these people but the thing is is that there is a large amount that play once then never play again and die. These people cant be helped by people messaging them by the time they are messaged they are already dead or no longer playing.
Now what I'm proposing is a advertising campaign payed for by the government or by donations to get the word out to new players about these programs.

I think this would have a huge impact on player retention rates and would really benefit our country.
It really isn't that expensive if you think about it 10000 views for 1 gold and if one noob see this it will be worth it because we will be gaining a profitable member of our country. We can have these Ad's linked to other articles that can get players into the military and give them tips about how to advance in this game. Now is when we must act because with summer coming there will be a lot of bored kids looking for something to do and we need to reach them so they don't quit.

Another Thing that would help new players stay in the game is Gifts.

When you start out in the game you dont have highwellness you need to eat high Q food or get gifted and since noobs dont have any freinds to give them gifts or money to buy high Q food with they stay in that wellness level for extended periods of time.

Now when most of us older players started we had it easy as soon as you got to be a high enough level to fight you fought once and you healed boom 100 wellness but now that isn't possible because of the changes to the hospital system.

I think that New players should be able to ask the goverment for help in this area they should be able to recive gifts that will help them out. In the long run this will be highly cost effective because it will increase out population so we have more workers and more workers means more taxes which means more money for the goverment.

We need to do something if we are gona keep these noobs alive because as it is now they are droping like flies.