Ideas for Erepublik: Dislike Button

Day 1,190, 17:58 Published in Canada Canada by jumpy one

Welcome back to an irregularly published series of articles containing ideas to screw up the game that exists because I'm low on good ideas.

This time, since we got the Facebook-like shout feed. I'll go and encourage more ripping off of their ideas. Nah, let's go one step beyond that. Let's go and give you something that Facebook is too stupid to implement

Yeah, that as a button; right beside your shouts and I'm just grinning over that idea

Why would you want that button?
First off it will cut down on spam as a shout could be deleted after after certain number dislikes, of course if someone who hates you has a multi army to try to stop you from shouting.
Second, it would show you that someone had read your shout and definitely shouldn't post it again
Third of all, it'd lure Facebook who want a dislike button badly, so they play this game just to have it.(or I wish it would do that 😛)

On the flip side the only bad is no like=no positive feedback. Which would be nice if you're doing something right and you wish to be recognized for it.A like button could balance the effect of a dislike button, but a Like button would be too much like Facebook. Besides, if you used Facebook enough you grow to hate the "like" and yearn for a dislike button. Besides, it's just a fun idea and would be just pure awesomesauce if they actually put it into the game.

Until next time, Jump for joy!

He's jumping for joy.

P.S I'm running for congress for this term in Shannon under the MDP banner. I think that I should write a platform soon, tomorrow preferably. As now I have a decent article written before I spew crap. I'll have some MTs available if by a rare chance, you wish to vote me in. However I find it unlikely that'll be necessary because I'm not famous and all. Cheers to all anyway.