ICCCR and Other Election News

Day 735, 13:39 Published in USA USA by Dodgercatcher

Hi, this is going to be a short article but it will be informative.


Last night representatives from different political parties in the eUSA met and discussed the upcoming Congressional elections, which are happening tomorrow the 25th. If you don't know what the ICCCR is or how it works read this article, [url="http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-wtf-is-the-icccr--1045510/1/20"]WTF is the ICCR?[/url] After spending hours looking over all the candidates most of the people who participated in the decision making appeared on Kyle321n's Fightin Round the World (FRTW) podcast. You can listen to the hour long podcast [url="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/frtw/2009/11/24/fightin-round-the-world-1"]here on FRTW.[/url] They highlight the candidates that they think should be voted into Congress, be sure to listen to it. After the podcast Kyle wrote an article in his newspaper Makin Movies, Makin Songs with all the selected candidates on it, [url="http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/independent-council-for-congressional-candidates-review-1049276/1/20"]Independent Council for Congressional Candidate Review.[/url] I was selected as the candidate in Kentucky and am humbled by this selection.

Other Election News

If you have not read my presentation article yet I would like to encourage you to go read it. You can get to it by clicking on the link in the bottom left corner of this article (after you finsihed reading this of course 😛) or by copy/pasting this into an open tab in your browser: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/going-kentucky-running-dc-for-congress--1042113/1/20 I would like to bring your attention to the endorsements part of the page there. It clearly states that I am endorsed by 4 of the top 5 parties, the Federalist Party, the Conservative Party, the Libertarian Party, and the United States Workers Party. This means that while you cannot click on their banners on election day and select to vote for me from there (you can only do that under the USWP banner) they want their member's votes to go to me, and not any candidate that may have slipped in and is running under their banner. Some cases of this are under the Libertarian banner it has Shakajulius, but he is not the officially endorsed candidate. Another is in the case of the CvP, JesusFeak93 would have been listed but because he is not officially endorsed there is a blocker running there instead, his name is Evry (good guy and great friend). Do not vote for Evry or if for some reason JesusFreak ends up getting through anyway. I hope this helps enlighten you on the subject. 🙂

Yours Truly,
DC - Vote For Me On November 25th!