ICA orders - 1017

Day 1,016, 21:40 Published in Ireland Ireland by Roisin Dubh
Attack Far Eastern Russia.

Orders are:
1) Come on IRC under #eICA and ask to be supplyed (Paschoall or Joe Hitman will be supplying)
2) You'll be supplyed 1 Q4 artillery and A FEW IEPs to buy FOOD.
3) Try fighting together. In groups of 3.
4) Don't over fight. Remember you only get 3 free health kits up to 70 wellness.
5) Make sure to retreat with enough wellness to have it 90+ the day after.
6) Hit hard, Hit it strong o7


b]- We have upgraded our Artillery company, and we can now produce Q4 artillery for our soldiers. (*we are looking for donations to upgrade to Q5)

- ICA's membership list has been reseted, in order to become a ICA soldier once again, you should PM Paschoall if you were with ICA before and wanna be active again.[/b]

- If you wanna join ICA, here are some benefits :
> We always fight together and with guns (most of the time we will be using our Q4s)
> We work together
> Everyone's opinion counts
> We work deployments often
> We are independent from Government and Parties, yet we fight for eIreland with fury !
> ICA will provide MTs for deployments and Food for battles
> We work on special tactics
> We are mostly Artillery based, but we have space for a few Tanks, Helis and Rifles ...
> If we have a decent stock of guns, we will enforce less amount of hours of work, meaning more free time to train/study

Join ICA NOW. *more info in the bottom of this article*
Any eIrish or BROLLIANCE Artillery soldiers that wanna fight, hop on IRC anytime and request free Q1 Artillery.

> ICA is also selling Q3 Artys for 0.25 golds only.

Request Free Weapons on the #eICA Channel

ICA Orders Day 1017

Commander of the ICA


Sign up for the ICA Now!!
If you believe in justice and freedom for all, then the ICA could be the place for you. To be an ICA member you will need discipline, commitment, team spirit, moral courage and respect for fellow Soldiers. If you tick those boxes, apply now.
*To apply, you should CONTACT Paschoall and Joe Hitman and answer:
- Do you work and train everyday?
- Are you active on IRC chat? Would you be willing to?
- What is your military rank?
- Are you a Artillery ? Are you willing to become one?
- What Q house do you use?
- Why do you wanna join ICA ?

Donate to ICA
We operate entirely independent of any Government funding. If you have any spare funds or foreign currency you are unlikely to use, no matter how small, please donate to the ICA.

Join us on IRC
Come join our IRC channel anytime to find out more about us.

Join our eRepublik In-Game Chat Room

> If you have any questions about ICA, please let me know and I'll do my best to answer those.