IA: Getting to know...Remon777

Day 820, 11:35 Published in South Africa South Africa by Independent Alternative

This is the first edition of "Getting to know..." where we get to know the people of the Independent Alternative. Our first party member for this series is none other than outgoing party president, Remon777. Firstly, let's just get all the biographics (is that the right word!?!?!) out the way:

Birth date: 24 April 2009
Best skill: Manufacturing (8.84)
Level: 21
Friends: 380
Military rank: General
Medals: Hard worker x 6, Congress member x 4, Super soldier x 3 - read on if you want to know about another potential medal!

With that out the way, Remon took some time out of his very busy day to answer a few questions I asked him:

How long have you been a member of the Independent Alternative?

As soon as it started I was there. I think I was the first member, besides the 3 founders. Think its since 1823? ;p

What made you join the Independent Alternative?

Besides having great relations with the 3 founders, and the fact that they are awesome, I really wanted to join a party with as little party politics as possible. Before we lost all our regions, all the parties in my mind just had too much of it, so when we got our lands back, I didnt want all of that. So up till today, I have not made a mistake! I dont think we have had one major fight yet! Plus Siroe gave free grease, so it was a great incentive!

Why did you run for party presidency?

I felt the need to step up my game a bit, and this was the way for me to do it. I knew our party is the most fun, and tried to show it to the world! And being a PP, you get to know more people and work together with other parties! I love when people come together for a common goal.

What would you say was your biggest achievement during your term as party president?

Gosh! I havent really thought about that! mmm... I believe in a team, so my biggest achievement, is having such a great team that worked with me, and together I feel we put IA to the next level. This can be seen seen in party activity, the congressional elections, the quality of people in our party, and our numbers that have grown drastically. So I cant say it was me... It was all of us!

What are your aspirations? What can we expect from Remon777 in the future?

lol! well... this game has 4 basic components... Economy, Military, Politically, and Socially. Economically, I want my businesses to boom and make a great profit, such a profit that it can help gaining our regions back, and fight off future oppressors. Military the same old, become a FM. Politically, look at next question. And Socially, I might want to get eMarried... but I first have to get past my RL wife... Which is gonna be tough...

Are you going to get a "country president" medal?

I am sure at least 90% of all people would like to become the president of a country. And Im sure that many have realized that this is not as easy task as they have thought.

So I was gonna run the last term, and try and bribe all the PP with the grease I got from Siroe... And I think Ines said that she would also make some "dagga cookies"... but that would not have been enough to go again the super hero Mark! So we had to throw that dream down the toilet... hehehe
{disclaimer for all trolls: the above mentioned was intended to be a lulz, and should not be taken seriously, except that Ines makes one hell of a dagga cookie, and that Mark is sexy... ggrrrr}

On a serious note, I will definitely run in the future. When? idk? Will I get elected? I dont know what the future has in store. I don't know if I have the people's trust. But I would like to believe that it is possible! And I'm sure that I have proven myself worthy to all the people that I have worked with. When that time comes, we will have to wait and see. For now, I am preparing myself for that month.

How much time do you spend a day playing eRepublik?

I used to spend between 4 and 6 hours per day. That was when I worked for myself. I just started a new job, so its been cut down to 1 - 2 hours per day. Right now it is hectically busy, but when year end has passed (in march), I should have loads more!

What made you join eRepublik?

Well, I used to play World of Warcraft (I know, I know), but it consumed me. So I left it. Then I was looking for games and came on 2. eRep is one of them. Human nature really interests me, and to learn more about it, is part of my work in RL.

What in-game aspects would you say you're good at (e.g. politics, economics, media, networking and so on)?

hahahaha! Well, lets put it this way: If I was head of RBSA the gold to rand ratio would be 20zar for gold, and 0.04g per 1zar. That should give my economic statement... Politics I think I am ok. I am human, I make mistakes, but I think I did a great job. Media not so much. Networking I think I do well. I have friends all over the world, and am in contact with them almost daily.

That concludes my interview I had with Remon! Watch out, I believe he will be running for congress again this month which will hopefully get him another congress member medal and who knows what other medals he might get in the next few weeks 😉!

My next interview will be with incoming party president, mulderpf (yes, that's me!!!), so subscribe, comment and vote if you want to see more of these.

Best regards
Party President of the Independent Alternative

If you want to be part of the party that is the Independent Alternative or you just find the people interesting and you haven't joined yet, why not read what we're all about here on eRepublik: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/independent-alternative-the-party-for-you--1156131/1/all or on the official eSouth AFrican forum: http://forums.erepubliksa.com/politics/independent-alternative-our-direction-for-february-2010/