I will never try and return to the eUSA

Day 3,799, 08:28 Published in USA USA by Technician

Eden is Gone

Really I used to love this game, now not so much.

Remember when the eUSA did not tax to death players that work as managers ?
Remember the good old days of Eden ?
Remember there were players that fought for principles ?

Now all eCountries do not care, Let us just get that resource they are too weak to do anything.

To all my old eAmerican friends I invite you to our cause.

The leadership of the eUSA never changes, they are still assholes.
Watched a recent battle where the eUSA fought on the same side with their hidden allies the eSerbs.

Flee the eUS Taxes
Flee the eUS, if you are fighting on the same with eSerbia you a fighting the wrong side.
Flee the US, you are welcome here.

This means after close to 9 years playing this game I had enough and will never even try and return to the eUSA.

The eUSA is not my enemy it is only the Pro-Serb, Pro-Tax manager leadership that I can not stand. The arrogant pricks running the eUSA think I may try one day to return.... Like I said no I rather let Technician eDie.

Irish Whiskey is better than the American stuff.

and as Always I am Groot
