I voted YES on the peace treaty. Why, you ask?

Day 635, 11:32 Published in USA USA by CaptainCAPS

I, Senator from the occupied state of Oregon, voted yes to the North American Non-Agression pact.
To all of you who make your judgement here of the treaty and of the Senators and president who signed it; Go To Hell.

That being said, we can now move into some rationale for why Congress (and I), and Emerick signed this thing.

This treaty allows for us to Defend our allys. We still keep our MPPs, and ANY MPP we wish to sign. Puppets like australia, dont have that choice. With this treaty signed, we are in a better position to free canada, and fight for Spain. How could that be so? Well, because we dont have any battles being fought on our soil, we can now move our troops freely. We can now support canadian resistance wars. If we hadnt have signed this treaty, Canada would have been dead in the water.

There is also a line of logic to suggest that when we sign this treaty in game, through peace proposals, France will stop attacking Spain. France would stop attacking Spain in order to keep the U.S off the list of MPPs Spain has activated. If they do that, Spain regains initiative, and can start to push back into their country with full U.S support. Had we not signed the treaty, Spain would be gone.

Our other fallen comrade, North Korea, is not being thrown under the bus. Most North Korean citizens, before citizenship was enabled, moved away in order to get revenge. (Think post-citizenship PTO)

I hear some very hurtful lies about the U.S being like the U.K now. First off, that is complete BULL$%!T. The U.K gleefully F'd over their allies; abandoning all MPPs with Fortis, and Eden, while signing them with PEACE. The U.K willingly let Hungary and Co. use their nation as a launching pad to invade the rest of us, WITHOUT EVEN THE SLIGHTEST resistance to the idea.

Lets compare that to the U.S, now shall we?

The U.S will keep its MPP's with our allies, will NOT sign them with ANY PEACE nations, and will sign MPP's with ANY nation threatened by PEACE. The U.S will fight with those MPP's, and liberate regions our allys lost BECAUSE of the U.K. Finally, The U.S sacrificied most of its country, our country, in order to protect our allies. We gave us so much, to insure that our allies could have time; and they did the same for us. We fought it out until our fighting on the U.S was no longer doing those allies any good; and that was when the treaty was signed. We do more fighting good with an economy; versus a nation with no High material regions.

The U.K is a group of b@$$tards. The U.S is just as noble, and moreso, with this treaty signed. We are NOT puppets, and I will be the first to tell you all if I ever suspect we are coming to that.

Now the U.S can bide its time; grow stronger. And When those 4 months of North American Non Agression are over, The U.S can come roaring out of what we bought, and take back over what we fought. With all MPPS against the U.S cancelled, and FULL complete GUARENTEED initiative; we WILL prevail.