I've had enough : (

Day 583, 00:29 Published in Israel Israel by Leroy Bloodshed

I thought eRepublik would be an interesting social experiment in game form, little did I realize that the same bullshit from real life would manifest its ugly head in an online game.

From day one there has been these political posturing games, where opposing party members blame one another. Upcoming parties flex, claiming to be the next big thing and where the dominant party is the target of their envy and hate. I myself am guilty, sitting silent until I can't take it any longer, then making comments defending my party only to get drug down deeper into the drama. How many people were turned off from this game because of our political bickering?

From day one I have heard of and witnessed first hand, experienced players taking advantage of noobs. This is a game, one in which there is a steep learning curve, but the ultimate goal of any game is for it to be enjoyable and to have fun. Yet it seems the goal of so many is to use and abuse newer players, with the sole purpose of extracting every ounce of their being until ultimately that player loses interest and leaves the game. How many people are thinking of leaving or have left because nobody helped them or took advantage of their limited knowledge?

I'm going to be playing this game differently from this point forth. The political bantering will be something that I'll no longer be participating in, nor will I make or post comments concerning opposition parties and/or its members. I apologize not to any individual, but to all Israelis for any negative comments or actions in my past, I am truely sorry and hope that it didn't negatively effect your gameplay. New players, if you need help or guidance please pm me, I'll do my best to guide you on a path of success or point you to someone who can. Land skill workers, no matter the experience level, pm me if you need a job, I'll pay you what I can, but if you need a job, I'll offer you or find you one. Struggling with health? Pm me and if I have the funds I'll send you food or a ticket, if I can't afford to I'll try and find someone who can.

I've spoken my peace, thanks for reading and being patient enough to let me voice what was on my mind.
