I've got soul, how about you?

Day 299, 16:08 Published in USA USA by Aitrus Gibbons

A few weeks ago while watching the Olympics, a commercial that I had never seen before came on. It was a world unity, Olympic spirit ad, and at first I paid no attention to it. After all, I was an American citizen and already supported the world uniting together under American ideals. I didn’t need a commercial stirring up such feelings in me, they were already there. I would have continued to brush this advert off, if it hadn’t been for the song.
Before I continue I’d like to talk a little about music. As cheesy, or cliché this may sound, music has the power to move. Before television, radio, internet, and this age of sensual dulling and video violence, mankind entertained itself through music. Grand balls to orchestral concerts to tribal ceremonies all included some sort of melody. Since the first note was banged off of a rock in some Stone Age cave, mankind has had a fascination with music.
There is no scientific explanation for our reaction to music. But no one can deny its power. As a modern example, would Hitchcock’s Psycho been as scary without the shrill violins screeching in sync with the slashing knife? Would all those horror movies been as potent without nerve breaking music making the audience nervous? No.
Music is used today in media to tell us when to laugh, when to cry, and when to scream. The simple fact is that music enhances, modifies, and produces emotion.
Keeping this in mind, let’s return to my story, and the commercial. The tune playing along with the various images of athletic feats was All These Things That I Have Done by The Killers. (I’ve got soul, but I’m not a soldier). I love this song, and while I was half watching this song, feeling the music do its job I had a sudden mental epiphany.
I had always considered myself a pacifist, but in this burst of self-realization, it was the first time I had ever considered world peace to be an attainable goal. My exact thought was, “Why can’t we just not fight?” Now, I apologize for how this sounds, a delusional hippy, calling for impossible feats. But bear with me as I ask a few questions.

What would happen if 100 people thought this way?
1,000,00 people?
The entire world?

Let me clarify what I’m getting at if you’re lost. A global movement comes from a single thought. If Alexander the Great the great could inspire his people to conquer the world, why can’t we work together to unite the world? Unlikely, I’ll admit. But, the key to this whole thing it to believe it can actually work, and making other people believe as well. Once you’ve done that, half your work is done. The other half is tolerance, but I’ll save that little topic for a later date.
So, considering this, it is now my duty to help others believe. And, reader, I’ll try to start with you. First turn on some music that really stirs up some feelings in you. Not violent, religious, or patriotic feelings. This is tricky. The wrong music will produce the wrong result, or no result at all. Next, just think to yourself, “Why not?” Think about world peace, think about those you care about. Think about other cheesy, cliché things. If you don’t feel a sudden change, and the urge to go out and do something for peace, you’re doing it wrong. This won’t happen instantaneously. It may take days, weeks, months. Please, keep trying it.
Reading my words I realize that I can’t explain it. All I can do is tell you how I did it, and hope you actually try this. You can ridicule my idea, you can laugh at it, you can do whatever you want to it. Just try it first. Not for thirty seconds, with a mindset of pre-determined failure, but actually try it.
Message me if you succeed. Message me if you don’t. I’ll keep trying to help you. But once you accomplish what I’m trying to communicate to you, help someone else to where you are right now. That’s how it starts.

--Aitrus Gibbons--